Goodbye? Michael Clifford

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Michael Clifford

Backstory: Mike is going on tour. You two break up and you're at the airport saying "See you later."


"So, I guess this is goodbye?" I said quietly as I reached up to hug, Michael.

"Its not goodbye, it's just see you later," Michael said, hugging me tightly.

"Its not though is it? We're breaking up, you're going on tour and I have school. It kinda feels like goodbye," I moved away, looking up at him.

Michael sighed. "Please don't let it be goodbye..." He whispered.

I looked down at our intertwined hands. "I don't want it to be goodbye," I admitted. "Believe it or not; I love you, you goof ball."

Michael smiled a little smile. "And I love you too,"

"Do we have to break up? I'm still going to feel the same... I'm sure you are too? I'm still going to be waiting for your call," Michael pulled me closer to him.

"I know," Michael breathed.

"Mikey! We gotta go," Calum's voice echoed through the air port.

I felt tears coming.

Michael kissed my forehead affectionately. "I'm sorry, Y/N..."

"So we're still breaking up?" My voice croaked.

"It's for the best. Just... promise me one thing?" Michael gazed into my eyes. "Remember I love you?"

"I know you do." I replied.

For a moment we stared into each others eyes. I slowly pulled his face to mine. Pressing my lips firmlh to his as we shared the last kiss before he leaves.

"I'll be waiting for you when you come back," I whispered against his lips.

"And I'll be looking for you." Mikey pulled away. Straining down and getting his bag, and walking away with Luke.

"Michael!" I yelled after him, beginning to run. He turned around. I ran to him. Engulfing him in a tight embrace. "Don't forget about me... please?"

"Of course not." He hugged back, before taking his place next to his band members and going towards his plane.

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