Mikey's Girlfriend. Blurb 1/4

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Mikey's Girlfriend
Blurb 1/4
Backstory: What Mike's girlfriend in my opinion would be like.


I can see Mikey having a girl he can really joke around with. A girl he can call annoying and stupid but then have really cute sexy time later. A girl who makes him so horny but then two minutes later he's opening a door for her. I really see Mikey with a girl who has tattoos and piercings and maybe into a little heavier music... I don't know. I just really see it. I think they'd eat pizza together and play video games and watch tv but still have the best time. Just someone he can do nothing with and still have loads of fun. She'd be a little OCD about things as well?? Like she'd have to have the coffee table with like no rubbish and the bench would have to be clean and the bed would always have to be straight, even when they're in it. I think she wouldn't really be into much sappy romance stuff... she would just rather watch a horror and eat pizza for the night rather than dress up and go to a fancy restaurant.

Okay, I see the rest of the guys loving her. Like they'd tease Mikey about how whiped he was and that he's wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't even know it. He would so brag about his girlfriend. Anyone and everyone who would listen. From how flexible you are in bed to how amazing your laugh is. And when you're around the guys or around anyone really you'd joke about how bad Mikey is at playing guitar and how his hair is stupid or how gay Mike-Ro-Wave is and even how lame he was in school, but everyone would know how much you love each other and everyone would ship you. But when you're alone you'd cuddle and snuggle and tell each other how much you mean to each other. He would just love you so so much and you just wouldn't even know how to show him how much you love him.

Your parents would love him and accept him because he just makes you so happy. You'd be a little insecure but he'd just make you feel like a princess. He'd show you how amazing you are because you're just so freaking beautiful and in his eyes you're even better than Ariana Grande and Katy Perry. And you're his.

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