Kiss Me Again. Calum Hood.

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Kiss Me Again
Calum Hood
Backstory: It's the day after your anniversary and it's super cute.
A/N: It's 1 am.


"I loooove youuu," I dragged the words out. Smiling like mad as Calum slowly fluttered his beautiful brown eyes open. He smiled a cute toothy grin.

"Morning," His morning voice deep and flattering.

"Morning." I grinned leaning my arms on his chest so I look up at him. "You know, I'm really happy about last night."

"Really? Me too." He smiled down at me.

"Even if nothing really happened, it was a perfect one year anniversary." I kissed his cheek. "And everyone said we wouldn't last longer than a month,"

"We so proved them wrong." Calum grinned triumphantly.

"We so did."

I smiled softly at him as I sat up, only to straddle his waist gently. He leaned back in the black pillows.

He smiled. "Do you know how gorgeous you are?" He gently tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

I shook my head. My hair falling over my shoulder and tickling his bare chest. "You've said it, yet I still don't believe it."

Calum just giggled. "I don't lie to you. I never would..."

"I know yah goof ball,"

"Everyone told me I'd get bored of you, you know?" Calum told me. "That you were just a easy fling and a nice get away. But look where we are now; one whole year later, still together I must say, an amazing, beautiful girl I get to wake up to almost every morning."

"Yeah? Tell me more about this girl," I teased.

"Hmm, she has the most cutest laugh I've ever heard. Her dimples really make her beauty ten times better. Her taste in music is amazing- and like mine, maybe a little heavier. When she wears make up she could stop a train, but even when she feels her ugliest she's still twenty times more gorgeous then Katy Perry. She doesn't have the perfect body, but it's amazing in all the great places. She's beautiful, and she so happens to be sitting on me." Calum smiled sweetly.

I blushed. "I love you. So, so much. More than you could ever think."

"I'm pretty sure I know," He replied smugly.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Okay, Hood."

"Okay, but seriously, you should kiss me now." Calum pouted his lips into a huge wet kiss like form.

I giggled leaning down and capturing my amazing boyfriend in a kiss.

"Love you as well." Calum mumbled into my lips.

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