Taxi Down To The Water. Calum Hood.

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Taxi Down To The Water

Calum Hood

Backstory: You go on a date with Calum.


"So, you're going on a date?" My older sister asked as she stood in my doorway.

"It's not a date," I sighed, looking in my mirror holding up a black skin tight dress to my chest. "Does this look okay?"

"He said you're going to beach?" She didn't wait for an answer. "You can't go to the beach in a dress like that."

I groaned, letting my head fall back. "Clothes are just not working for me, are they?"

She nodded, going to closet.

"Hm, try this."

She threw black high waisted shorts and a white long sleeve shirt.

I sighed, taking the clothes and going into the bathroom down the hall. She was right. That dress would not have looked good. But this did.

"Okay, now I need shoes," I mumbled going back into my room.

"Calum is nice to you?" Mum said from my bed, but more like a question. I yelped, jumping back and holding my hand to my chest.

"Wha- what?" I breathed.

"Is Calum nice to you?"

"Y-yeah... why?" I composed myself, looking for my black converse.

"It's just, well you're the first daughter I've had that's actually gone on a date." Mum said, standing up and looking over my posters.

"I am?" I stepped back from my full length looking at my reflection. I still needed to do my makeup. My hair looked okay with it just straightened.

"Yes. You're also the first daughter of mine to actually like someone as much as you like him, and-"

"Mum are you going to give me the safe-sex-talk?" I cut her off.

"Y/N, if he even tries to do anything that you're not up to, I'm going to chop his balls off." Mum stated.

"We haven't done anything, and we're not going to."

Any time soon anyway.

"If you do, you need to tell me, okay? I want grandchildren but not by my youngest daughter." Mum sternly looked at me.

I gulped. "Mum, seriously, it's not going to happen. I haven't even seen Calum without-"

"Pants? Yes you have. He has pictures on the Internet, Y/N," Mum cut me off.

"Okay, fine. I've seen him naked. But for like a split second and it was only because Michael took his towel when he was having a shower." I looked up at her from my floor. My makeup laid out in front of me.

"So you lied to me?"

I groaned, holding my face in my hands. "Mum, you need to believe me; nothing is going to happen. Not tonight anyway,"

"Anyway?" Mum raised her voice.

"Yes!" I yelled back.

"And why tonight? Huh? Why only tonight?"

"I have my period mum! Okay? I can't do anything!"

I looked behind mum to see my sister and Calum at my door way.

"Perfect. This is just perfect." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm just gonna..." Calum trailed off as he basically ran into my room and laid on my bed.

"Well, you two have fun, I guess." Mum said backing out of the room.

"I'm so sorry," I groaned looking at him. He smiled, sitting down behind me and wrapping his hands around my waist.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Thanks? But I need to put my make up on,"

The taxi pulled up the beach where the boys stood. They smiled as they took me off down the beach as Calum payed the taxi driver.

"We had to make sure no one stole the stuff on the beach so we had to stay here," Michael answered my question.

"Oh, okay,"

We stopped at a blanket and a basket with candles and pillows under the stars.

"Whoa," I whispered.

"Happy anniversary," Calum said as he guided me down the small bank.

"Ew, I have sand in my shoes," I moaned as I sat down on the blanket.

Calum laughed as he took off his jandals. "Should have worn jandals then,"

I rolled my eyes playfully as I set my shoes down next to Calum's. The boys had gone and no one was on the beach, but us.

"Hey, Y/N, what was that whole thing about when I got to your place?" Calum asked as we ate a few home made sandwiches his mum obviously made.

"With mum?"

Calum nodded.

"Just that I'm her first daughter to actually go on a date, and the first to really like someone..." I felt my cheeks turn all different shades of red.

Calum grinned. "You really like me, huh?"

"Oh shut it you," I smiled.

Calum giggled, leaning in as so did I. We shared a perfect kiss under a perfect sky on a perfect date. Laying down on the pillows, we stayed cuddled up to each other.

We stayed there for hours. Just talking about everything about nothing. It didn't last long enough. I decided to break the silence.

"And who's cleaning this up?" I look up at him.


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