Moving In Together. Blurb 1/4.

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Moving In Together

Blurb 1/4

Backstory: You and Luke are moving in together.



I sighed, crawling over to the next box full of photo frames. Luke had gone to bed a few hours ago. I told him I'd be up soon, and that soon just happened to be in the next few hours. The one thing I hated most as a child was moving houses. Cause everything needed to be packed, moved then unpacked again and put in place. For us, we still needed a couch, a coffee table, more plates, towels - basically everything. 

Things We Need To Buy:

• Couch

• Towels

• Plates/Forks/Knives/Spoons

• Coffe table

• Cable and Tv

• Gas heater the house is fucking cold.

• Mugs/cups

• Mats for the ground so giraffe doesn't ruin the carpet

Smiling at my own personal message, I slowly crawled into the kicthen. Rubbish. Just full of rubbish. I face palmed. "This is going to take forever." I mumbled to myself, putting a magnet on the paper then folding my legs. The light suddenly turned on, causing me to jump.

"What are you still doing up?" Luke's groggy voice filled the silence.

"I needed to finish this." I sighed, standing up and dodging all the boxes on the ground. I wrapped my arms around his shirtless waist, and buried my face in his chest. "I hate moving."

Luke wrapped his arms around me. "Mats for the ground so giraffe doesn't ruin the carpet?" He quoted, shaking his head. "Gas heater this house is fucking cold." He quoted again, resting his cheek on the top of my head.

"Hmm," I mumbled, "I needed to write things that we needed down. We need food too."

"We have some food," Luke mumbled,  "but that's not to worry about. You need to get to bed."

I nodded, rubbing my eyes and walking down the hall. We didn't get a big house. Cause when he's gone its just me here. It's only a small two bedroom, the extra bedroom for his muisc room. "Hey, we finally get to sleep in the same bed without people interrupting us." I smiled shyly, walking into our room.

He grinned, letting me climb into bed before turning the light off. Cuddling up to him, I felt my eyes droop. "Love you," Was all I heard before I fell into a dreamless sleep.

→ I groaned, rolling over, hoping to find Luke but instead I found a letter: Went out to buy some food. You looked so peaceful and I didn't have the courage to wake you. The boys are downstairs helping unpack. Luke xox'

I stayed in bed for another ten minutes, letting the fact soak in that, no, I didn't have to go back to school because I graduated. Grinning to myself, I ran into the bathroom, threw my hair into a bun, pulled my glasses on and raced down the hall. "Good morning!" I beamed to the three boys trying to desperately hide whatever they were looking at.

"Someone got some last night." Mike laughed.

"No, we actually went straight to bed. I'm just over the moon about not having to go to school." I clapped. "Who wants breakfast?" I asked, skipping into the kitchen, "we have eggs, bread and... bacon. I'll scramble the eggs."

Calum shared a knowing glance with the boys. Their famous I Don't Know What's Going On look they have most of their life. "Why are you so happy?" Calum asked, seeming almost scared for the answer.

"Told you; just happy I don't need to go to school anymore. I hated school."

"Sure sure." Michael snorted.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "We haven't done anything. That's for marriage." I joked.

Ashton giggled.

"Okay but seriously, when is Luke coming back?" I asked reaching out and grabbing a box.

They shrugged. "Soon, I'm guessing."

I hummed, unpacking plates and cups carefully trying not to break everything. "Oh fuck!" I yelled. "We had to get the fucking house that I'm too short to fucking reach stuff in! Ugh!" I sighed tiredly raking a hand through my hair. I suddenly felt arms around my waist and hand reaching up the cupboard.

"Good thing I'm tall then right?" Luke smiled. 

I sighed, holding onto his shirt. "I hate moving. "

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