Our Little Secret. Michael Clifford.

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Our Little Secret
Part 2
Michael Clifford
Backstory: Part 2.
Word Count: 2022
Author Note: I'm so unhappy with my life right now, and I just wanted to say you guys are the only nice people in my life at the moment... so thank you, I guess. I'm not looking for attention or making you feel like I want attention, I'm just stating facts - so, thank you. It really helps my day when you're nice x.

From Michael: Can you please just text back? I know your mad at me, but can you at least think of Hollaye?

From Michael: Okay it's been an hour. Can you text back now?

From Michael: I love you Thea but your really pissing me off right now. Just message me, yeah?

From Michael: For fucks sake, Thea. How many times do I need to apologize? I'm beyond sorry I lied to you like that but I want to make it up to you. Can you please call me or at least text me back? Thanks.

From Michael: I haven't texted you or anything in a day. I get that your mad at that you feel like you want to hurt me but please message back? At least think of Hollaye.

To Michael: For one, don't you ever tell me how I'm feeling. Second of all, do not bring MY daughter into this. You have absolutely no right to speak to me like the way you did. You have no right even saying that you love me because if you did, you wouldn't have done what you did. Hollaye is my daughter and I'm her mother, but all you are Michael is a sperm donar. Jaemy is more of a parent then you have been. And she didn't even have sex with me. So before you start throwing Hollaye's name around like you're entitled to, re think because you're not her father. You're a walk away father. Don't bother texting me again because I'm done Michael. Have a nice life knowing you've screwed up one of the best things that could ever happen to you.

From Michael: Can we at least talk this out? Can you meet me at school? Please...

From Michael: I bought a teddy for Hollaye and I would love to give it to her... before she's born... and I was just wondering if I could give it to her when we meet up? If we can meet up? Jaemy can come if needed

To Michael: What do you want to sort out? Because I'm really not in the mood Michael.

From Michael: About what happened. I realize that you obviously don't want to see me and I know that you're pissed and you don't want anything to do with me but I want to know how you're doing and be there for Hollaye.

To Michael: Fine. We meet tomorrow at 3:30. If you're late or you show up with one of your skanks, you can shove that teddy bear up your ass and you can consider yourself another dead beat dad.

From Michael: I promise I will be on time and I promise no one will be with me. Thank you so much Thea for agreeing to this. It honestly means so much to me. Thank you.

To Michael: Just don't screw it up for yourself, okay? That's all I'm asking.

From Michael: I promise.

"Why did Michael just text me saying that you're meeting him at the school?" Ashton says once he barged in through my door and turned my stereo off. "And I told you not to speak to him, Thea."
"He's the father to my baby--"
"But why would you speak to him?" Ashton cuts me off, putting his hands on his hips. Looking extremely feminine.
"Because he's the father of my child. And I wasn't kind about speaking to him either. You don't have to worry about it. He's not going to just jump right in straight away, I'm not letting that happen. Just wait, okay? I'll tell you about it when I get back." I stand and gather my things. "I'll be back soon. Nothing is going to happen, I promise."
"If you bring him here, without telling me, I'm going to be really pissed." Ashton says following me through the house. "And I won't be nice about it either. I will be blunt and annoyed and rude."
"I get it. Bye mum," I yell the last part, leaving the house and closing the door behind me.

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