Calum Hood

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You're Mine Part 2

Calum Hood

Backstory: Part 2 of You're Mine.


"Why did you run?" I laughed as I closed my door. My the walls were plasted with posters, and photos.

"I was scared..." Calum fell on the bed like a whale, and squished his face into my pillow.

"Cal?" I asked, crawling over to him. "Seriously, what's wrong?"

Calum sighed. Rolling onto his back, and looking up at my roof. "I know your sisters hate me... and I don't want to do anything stupid so they hate me more. Your dad really doesn't like me, and your brother? Phew..."

"You want to impress my family?" I felt my cheeks turn crimson.

Calum looked at me. "Ugh, don't look at me like that. You're embarrassing me,"

"You're embarrassing yourself," I chuckled. I laid down next to him. I used his arm as a pillow. "Mum is still protective of me, I know. We're only 18... Cal, that's not much yonger than when she had my sister... she doesn't want anything to happen to me."

I felt him kiss my forehead. "And, I just want you to know that I love you. I really, honestly do. The guys have teased me about it, but I really do love you, Y/N."

I moved up a bit. "And I really, honestly love you too," I grinned pressing my lips to his.

My two sisters, my mum and my little brother sat on the other chairs as me and Calum curled up on the sofa as we watched The Woman In Black.

"Y/Brothers/Name, you should go to bed. You'll get scared," I gently touched him with my foot.

"No, I want to watch it," He replied, looking at the screen through his hands.

He is 11, and he wants to watch a movie that made me shit my pants. Wow.

"Whatever then," I sighed leaning my head on Calum's shoulder. Our feet tangled together as they fell over the side of the couch.

We watched the movie, and each time I'd scream (Which was like 2 times) Calum would laugh tell me how much of a 'wuss' I was.

Later that night in bed. (Sorry, I don't really have anything for before this).

He laid on top of the blankets, but they were around my waist. I laid my head on his chest, and my feet were to his shin, since I'm so freaking short.

"I think I saw my sister smiling at us today," I whispered.

Everyone was asleep in the house.

"Yeah? I think I did as well," The smile in his voice showed me he was happy.

"Its different every time you stay here." I spoke.

"It seems like it, doesn't it?"

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Why did you lie about us not doing anything?" And a smirk this time.

"I didn't want a lecture," I admitted.

"Brainy," Calum commented.

I smiled. "I love you, Cal."

"And I love you, too."

And we kissed one more time, before we went back to silence and eventually fell alseep to the soft hums of You Me At Six in the background, playing from my phone.

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