Spooning. Blurb 1/4

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Blurb 1/4
Backstory: You two spoon.


Luke had invited me on tour for a while once they came back to America. I agreed, after begging my mother at least six months straight. Liz had said straight up that we were not to sleep in the same bed together - where I can see where she is coming from. So, we agreed.

Everyone had decided to go out and get some food as we stayed behind and just spent time together.

"I missed you when you were gone," Luke said sweetly as he pushed some hair behind my ear. We had taken up the space on the floor and were just cuddling.

"I missed you too." I mumbled smiling gently. "Turn around," I said pushing him slightly. I laid my arm down so he could lay on it, I slung my arm over his stomach because he was still on his back. I rested my head on the cushion as I nestled my face into his hair. He smelled nice.

"Little spoon?" He chuckled.

"Yep." I smiled kissing just under his ear.

We must of fallen asleep like that, because I woke up hearing Liz talking. "I actually told them they couldn't fall asleep together, but just aren't they cute?!"

I groaned squeezing Luke closer to me. He groaned as well, going on his side so his face was right in my boobs.

"Nice view," He chuckled only so I could hear. I scoffed jokingly, cuddling closer to him. He pulled me closer by wrapping his arms around me.

"Someone put a blanket on them." Liz chuckled. Soon a blanket was draped over us, Liz still talking into something along with the boys.

"Yeah it's annoying." Mike chimed in.

Yeah, it must get annoying but we love each other.

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