He Proposes Blurb 4/4

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Author Note: Okay, so you guys have been incredible. I'm at nearly 600 votes and at 40k reads! It's insane. Thank you to all that have voted or even clicked on this. Thank you to all my silent readers (if I have any).

Thank you thank you thank you!! As you know I have been thinking of writing a Luke fanfic and I think I'm going to publish soon :p so please read it. Can you guys message me???? I want some friends that love 5sos and I think it'd be cool... we should be friends!

This is long... sorry! But worth the read. Please continue to like my stories... it's like yeah. Cool thanks man.

He Proposes
Blurb 4/4
Backstory: How he would propose to you.


You two would be sitting on the couch just watching a movie with some pizza on plates for you guys. Mike would be over thinking everything and just feel like he loves you so much it hurts. You'd be in booty shorts with a crop top on cause you're home by yourselves and Mike would just have his boxers on and in that moment he reaches down to the floor and gets the box of Charms you guys have been eating. He'd open it and pull out one of the fruity rings and just hold it in his hands for a bit. Then he'd look at you and smile as you giggled to yourself about the movie.

"Hey, Y/N," He'd mumble, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Mike." You'd say not really paying attention.

"Do you maybe wanna get married sometime? Like no big deal or anything..." Mike would just put it out there.

"What?" You'd say. Like that can't be real.

"Get married? Like big people stuff."

You would sit up and stare at him, grinning. "Really?" You'd squeak.



"Okay, I want to marry you. Like for real. I want to marry you."

"Then sure. Whatever." Then you and Mike would go up stairs and have sexy time.


He would have taken you to a family get together with his and your family. It'd be like a nice summer day and he'd be talking to your mum about something and you'd just be talking to your sisters or brothers and not worry about it. They would know what his intentions are. Everyone would be like looking at you weirdly and get the idea that everyone is like waiting for something but not really worry about it type thing. So it'd be lunch time and it'd be a big BBQ and you'd be in the middle of the table around your family and his then you'd have like a massive fork full of food in your mouth when Calum stands up and looks over everyone.

"Y/N," Then he'd laugh as you try to subtly eat the food but fail, "even though you're trying to eat properly, I still love you and I want to ask you something."

"Okay," You'd say but it'd be muffled from the food.

"Will you marry me?" Calum would smile and he would just be so happy. Then you'd spit the food out and hug him and bish bash bosh you're engaged.


With Ash he'd be really formal about I think. He would have made a big deal about it and go all out. He would make sure that you're wearing something nice and he'd be wearing a tux then he would take you to a beautiful look out before you go eat then you'd be walking across the beach and you would just be really happy because it's your anniversary and you just feel so lucky. Then he'd stop you and smile with his dimples showing.

"Happy anniversary, baby." He'd say before hugging you. He would have his chin resting on the top of your head as he talked. "Do you remember when we first met? It was at that playground a few blocks from our old school. It was a bit windy and you were on the spinny thing with bark on you cause you kept falling off."

You'd smile and laugh at the memory because when you first met Ashton he just looked so friendly and you felt so happy that a really cute boy was talking to you.

"And I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I sat next to you because I just wanted to hear you talk. Then I got your number and you so fell in love with me." He would joke around because he's nervous. "At least that's what happened to me." Then he'd get down on one knee and pull out a red velvet box that looked almost black in the moonlight, then he'd smile and open it. "Will you marry me?"

You'd be shocked and happy and nervous and just heaps of emotions going on that you wouldn't know how to react, so you'd just collapse to the sand and pull him to you because it's Ashton and just whisper, "Yes" over and over again in his ear.

This guy would be formal about it as well I think. He'd ask your parents and friends if he should do it, he'd have asked for guidance from his mum and want it to go perfectly. He would want you to feel like a princess and he would just he would hope it'd go perfectly. You would be at work and just about to knock off when you get a call saying you needed to come home right now because it's hella important. So you'd quickly dash home, park your car and run up to the door to see a sticky note written in Luke's handwriting saying;
Sorry its not really an emergency but I wanted to do something sweet because you're cute and do sweet things for me :-)

You'd just sigh and shake your head then open the door with the sticky note with you, kick off your shoes and find another note on the door.
I know you just took your shoes off, so go to our room and get the thing on the bed  xx

You'd be confused but do it anyway. Once you got to your room a box with another sticky note, you would open it to see a beautiful red dress that you've been wanting for ages.
I know that you've been wanting this dress, so go put it on then go to the kitchen.

You'd take off your work clothes and put the dress on then find a pair black heels on the floor with another note but it'd only have a smiley face. Walking carefully through the house, you'd get to the kicthen and find another note.
You look beautiful :-) Now go to the garage.

Making your way to the garage you'd just sigh when he's not even there but smile when another note is there.
Don't be angry, but can you pretty please go outside to the back lawn? 

Going out the back a seat with small kitten on a seat with a little note stuck to his collar.
He's ours now :-) And just one small thing... can you please turn around?

You'd turn around with the kitten in your hand. Luke would be kneeling on the grass with a grin on his face. "Y/N, you look beautiful. Sorry it took a while for you to actually reach your destination, but here we go; will you do the honor of being my husband?"

"I... uhm... think I need to get a sex change... uhm... for that," You'd giggle.

Luke's smile would falter and he'd just hang his head sighing.

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