Twenty. Ashton Irwin

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Ashton Irwin

Backstory: Ash's turning twenty. No smut or anything, just his birthday.

A/N: Sorry it's short. It's late and I'm sick. I will make a long ish one in a few days.


"Happy birthday!" I yelled running into the hotel room Ash shared with the boys. I smiled, dropping his presents next to him.

"Awe thanks babe." Ashton grinned.

I reached out to him, sitting on his lap I kissed him sweetly. "So," I pulled away, slapping his leg, "how does it feel to be twenty?"

"Like a whole new world." Ash joked.

"Can you open your presents yet?" I asked getting off him.

"If you want,"

"Yay!" I sat down where I put his gifts. Sorting them out and pulling Ash to sit down. "Let me get my camera." I added taking the large photography camera from my bag.

Luke sat next to me. Calum next to him. Mike next to him and the mum's making the circle larger. Ash sat on my right. All the presents in the middle of the circle.

"I think I went a little overboard..." I muttered flicking a few things around.

Ash giggled kissing my cheek and unwrapping the gift his mum got him.

"Thank you all so much for everything." Ash smiled hugging me. My face buried in his chest.

"It's pretty late..." I mumbled looking up at him.

"Yeah..." He smirked. "We're gonna head off,"

"Okay. Use condoms!" Michael yelled after us.

I rolled my eyes, taking his hand and going down the small hall to our room we got a few hours ago. Ash locked the door, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I squealed. Tonight is gonna be good.

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