Fan Encounters. Blurb 2/4.

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Fan Encounters
Blurb 2/4
Backstory: Calum and Luke's girlfriend's have conversations with fans when they're not around.

C A L U M: I pull my shirt down over my body and let it fall halfway down my stomach and pull my high waisted shorts up so I have a small gap between my crop top and shorts then I reach for my jandals, sunglasses and handbag then head out the door.

Work is only down a few blocks so I pull my shades down my face and head out into the hot Australian sun.

Lately, working at the cafe hasn't been all that great. It's been full of hot, busy and rude people all week because everyone is getting their asshole on because students are going back to school and annoying everyone on the public trains and busses.

But I need the money to actually feed myself, my animals and keep my entire house hold working - along with my flatmate, Felix.

Fee is amazing. He pays for most things and is an amazing artist so he gets a few bucks for that on some occasions.

I pull around the corner and onto the cafe street. I can't actually pronounce the cafe name, let alone spell it so I just call it Cafe and Cafe Street.

"You're late Miss Beautiful." My co-worker Belle says once I settle my stuff into my cubby hole and pull out my apron and pull on my work shoes.

For some odd reason, we can wear whatever we want to wear as long as it's black, but we have to wear these black heels as soon as we put the apron on.

"A wizard is never late, Master Belle. A wizard never arrives early or late - he arrives precisely as he means to." I say looking her dead in the eye as I quote Gandalf the Grey.

"Well, good luck saying that to the boss."

"You're married to the boss." I laugh taking my pad and paper from the rack.

"Correct. But do I get a say in anything? Nope. But I sure do make sure that I have a lot more say in anyone else of this staff." Belle says walking passed me and into the managers office.

Belle is the one who gave me this job and who gave me the pay rise once I settled in and did a good job.

"Hey," The chief smiles at me when he slides over a piece of cake and a coffee. "Take this to table twenty seven will you?"

"Sure thing, Rudy." I smile back taking the tray.

Rudy, the chief, is only called Rudy because he reminds me of Rudy from Misfits but is not as... rude as the actual Rudy. He's just got a very weird sense of humor, that on days I'm the only one who thinks what he says is actually funny and not offensive.

"Carrot cake and a plain coffee?" I ask once I reach table twenty seven and place down the plate and cup.

"Yep, thanks. Hey can I please make a order for my friend? She'll have a milo and a chicken wrap please." She says looking up and handing me a tip. "Oh my gosh-- are you (Your first and last name)? Calum Hood's girlfriend?"

I grin blushing a little. "Uhm, yeah. I am. Are you a fan?"

"Oh, huge. I can't believe you're actually bringing me my food! Can I please have a photo with you?"

"Are you sure? I'm not that great." I laugh awkwardly.

"Please? I hope I'm not being weird, it's just I ship you guys to hard and you seem like a really cool chick and I can't actually believe its you!" She gushes.

"Well in that case, we can take five photos." I laugh leaning down beside her and posing for a few photos.

L U K E: What ever happened to me actually driving my proper car places, oh wait let's see; I tried to teach Luke how to drive but he decided to crash into the side of a scrap bin and scratch my entire car.

I got so pissed at him, and everytime I even look at a train I get more pissed off at him because I don't have my car anymore.

I hold onto the pole with the sleeve of my leather jacket over top my purple plaid shirt and black singlet, green army pants that stick to my legs and my black docs.

Some may say that I look "emo" (Annoying and stupid stereotype that is over used too much, which is used to be an insult to people who happen to be themselves aka different) but I honestly couldn't care less. I like the way I dress - if I didn't, why would I dress this way?

I pull my iPod out of my black tasseled bag and go through at least twenty songs before I find the one I'd been searching for.

I'm An Albatraoz by Aronchupa, look I absolutely have no idea why I like this song, I really don't, I usually just listen to metal or metalcore, but it's catchy and cool - I guess.

Once my stop comes I step off the train and head towards the mall. Apparently the new Devilskin dvd/cd thing is out here so I need to go and find it.

"Excuse me," I voice says tapping on my shoulder.

I pull my headphone out, while it still plays I'm An Albatraoz and look at the two girls standing in front of me. "Yeah?"

"I was just wondering if you're (Your first and last name)? And if you date Luke Hemmings?" The first girl says.

"Uhm, yeah I'm her." I say. "And why do you want to know?"

"We just want to get the real side of the rumor... there are a lot of stories going around." The second one says.

"Uhm... yeah... uhm, yeah me and Luke are dating. You can put the rumors to rest." I nod.

Will he get shitty at me?

He can't. He crashed my beautiful car.

"Can we get that on camera?"

"Sure." I smile.

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