Meeting My Family Pt 2. Michael Clifford

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Meeting My Family Part 2
Michael Clifford
Backstory: Part 2 to Michael meeting your family.


"It's so weird to see you with someone." My sister smiled at me.

"It's not weird-"

"Yes it is. Michael, how long have you liked Y/N?" She asked Michael.

"Two weeks." Michael answered sarcastically.

"Wow." Was all my brother mumbled. "Just like you."

I rolled my eyes. Squeezing Mikey's hand under the table and taking a small bite of my mashed potatoes. An awkward silence filled the room. The only sound of the clanking of forks and knives on the plates. Mum was first to break the silence. Thankfully.

"Y/N, what are you planning on doing this summer?"

I gulped. This is the time to say. "Well, I was actually going to ask you..." I trailed off.

"Ask me what?"

"If I could be a photographer for 5 Seconds Of Summer?" I quickly looked back down at my plate. "I have experience from school and it'd be a chance for me to actually do something. Mum, please?"

Mum sighed. "You're going to be on the other side of the world with the boy who I barely know with four other boys doing whatever they do."

"Liz will be there."

"Who is, Liz?"

"Do you remember, Luke? The guy who spilled juice on my top at the beach and I got really pissed off and nearly punched him?" I asked.

"Your Nirvana shirt?"

"Yeah, that one. The blond dude."

"I remember him. What about it?"

"Liz is him mum. She's really nice and keeps everyone in line."

Mum paused. "I'll think about it,"

I sighed. "So it's a no,"

"Obviously it's a 'No' Y/N. You really think I'd let you go off on the other side of the world with people I've never met? What kind of mother would I be if I done that?"

I cringed. "A really awesome one?.."


I sighed, leaning back in the chair and fiddling with the napkin. I glanced over at Michael who looked sad. We really wanted to go on tour together... that's gone out the window.

Awkward silences filled the night for another hour as we ate.

Dinner was over and well, I was really bummed. I so wanted to be with Mikey for the summer. We've been dating for at least seven months. Probably even more than that... how I kept it from my family? No fucking idea. At all.

"You bummed about no being able to go?" Mikey asked from next to me.

"Mm," I mumbled, laying next to him on my bed.

A cold draft came through the door as mum swung it open when she walked passed.

"I am." Mikey admitted.

"So am I," I sighed, "the one thing I wanted to do this summer... I'm really sorry."

Michael pulled me closer to him. "Don't be... it's not your fault."

"I can't help but feel like I ruined your whole thing. You organized so much."

Mikey chuckled. "Now we just have to tell everyone we're together."

"Yeah... I guess."

"Twitter?" Mikey asked.

"Twitter." I giggled.

He took a photo with me and my locket showing. I rested my head on his shoulder as he rested his on my head. We both smiled as he took the photo. We took a few. Me making a cute edit on my phone then sending it to him. He posted it on twitter with the caption, 'Gonna miss this pretty lady on tour. Love you beautiful d:'

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