Walls Pt 2. Calum Hood

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Walls Part 2
Calum Hood
Backstory: Part 2 to Walls.

The one person I could trust anything with - the one person who had me through every up and down... how could he do this to me? After all we have been through. We've been through almost everything together. With him I could let my walls down, I could tell him anything, I could just about do anything and I know he would understand and talk about it with me. He is more than my best friend, he's like a brother to me and now he's just said that I'm holding him back? From what? Leaving the people he cares most about to go and be a with a stupid group of boys who play in a band that most likely won't even make it--... I'm being selfish. He loves that band. He deserves to get big, to tour the world, to do what he loves... and I guess I am holding him back a little? But he doesn't need to stay here, so how am I holding him back?

Sighing, I stopped my car and leaned my head against the headrest. I glanced around the lookout - the place Calum first said I mean the most to him... so how can I be the one who is holding him back? I don't want to, I don't mean to, but I guess it just happens doesn't it? Obviously because he told Michael and then Michael told me and then Calum decided to just yell it from the roof tops that I, his best friend since like forever, was holding him back from whatever he wanted to do with his life. I switched the radio on, hearing Blink-182 come on, I smiled. The first concert I ever went to was them... with Calum. If I was holding him back why didn't he just let me go? Just leave and never speak to me again? Was it because I come off clingy?... its only because I trust him more than anyone... I need to find out.

→ As soon as I walked through the doors of my house, I could already smell my mums cooking. Anything she cooks is amazing, if it doesn't have mushrooms of course. I quickly took my Combat boots off, letting them thump against the ground as I hung up my car keys.

"Y/N?" Mum called.

"Yeah," I yelled back flicking through the mail that was in the little holder we kept at the front door.

"You have a visitor."

"I have a--...?" I furrowed my brow, walking into the kitchen.

"How would you like to stay for dinner?" Mum asked nicely.

"Oh no, he wouldn't want to--"

"I would love to." He smiled, cutting me off.

"I'll call you when dinner is ready," Mum waved us off letting us know that we can leave. Well, that I can leave. I rolled my eyes at the boy who greeted me at my door.

"Before you step foot into my house, what the fuck are you doing here?" I demanded.

"Oh please, really? I'm here on behalf of my bestfriend." Michael answered rolling his eyes.

"Calum is my best friend, not yours." I spat letting him in.

He just slumped down on the couch. "Well he feels bad for what he said to you and how he said it. So," He shrugged.

I squinted at him. "You are one kind of idiot, aren't you?"

"Yeah." He beamed. "And there is another reason why I'm here as well." He added.

"And what's that?"

"Well basically it's like this; I was being a dick to you cause I think you're hot and I didn't want to admit it to myself but," He shurgged, "well you are and I don't wanna be in denial anymore."

I stood there, frozen not sure how to take in what I just said. "And I know that you think the same thing about me, because I mean, look at me." He gestured to himself.

I shook my head. "Get out."

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