Place To Place. Michael Clifford

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Place To Place

Michael Clifford

Backstory: Lacey broke up with Michael because he was 'bad news' and she didn't want to hold him back.


"Oh my god. Is that Michael?" Elle gasped taking a sip of her Iced Coffee.

I glanced behind me, looking in the direction she had pointed. A green haired boy stood and soon to be striding over here. I sighed. "It's Michael. We should go,"

"Don't you miss him though?"

"Obviously I miss him, Elle. I just can't be with him."

"But, why?"

"He's bad news."

Elle rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips. "Your Mum or you talking?"

I didn't say anything.

"Go talk to him." Elle groaned.

"I can't, okay? Because if I talk to him I'll get distracted by his nice smile, his pretty eyes and the hair I always want to play with. No." I stood firmly.

"Well he's coming over here." Elle slurped at her drink. "And fast too."

"Oh, just shut up Elle. Please?"

She put her hands up in defense. "Backing off..."

"Good." I smiled in triumph as I began to push between the million of people who decided to come shopping on the day I so happened to not be at school. The green hair had disappeared into the mas of people.

Now to get home without seeing him, or talking to him...

"Why do I miss him, Elle?" I asked her.

She shrugged awkwardly. Her lollypop kind of falling out of her mouth. "Because you loved him?"

I felt my cheeks burn. I never thought about thinking I love him. He just made me so happy and I didn't want to hold him down. I didn't want to make him feel like he couldn't live because I'm here and he's there. I didn't want to make him feel like he had to call me any spare chance he got... I wanted him to live. To be a teenager who is in a band.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality. Elle glanced at me. "You expecting anyone?"

I shook my head to say, no. She shrugged, getting off the couch gracefully and skipping to the door. Her mum had been out with some friends for a few days. We had the house to ourselves. Of course we got the whole, 'No party thing or you will never be trusted again' even if we did want a party, it wouldn't happen. No one wants to hang out with us.

"Uhmm... Y/N... it's uh, for you..." Elle called.

"Who is it?"

"Might wanna see for yourself."

I groaned, rolling my eyes. Great. Now I need to move. Elle met me half way. Giving me a sympathetic look. What? Opening the door, there stood the green haired boy. At my doorstep.

"Y/N," He smiled.

Him saying my name made my insides bloom. "Michael."

It took me a while to let him in. I didn't know how to act, talk or do anything. Kinda like the first date we went on. I was so nervous. Just like I am now. He sat in front of me. Lightly sipping at the beer I had got him. He looked the same. Just a little more tired.

"I'm sure you know the reason why I'm here?..." Michael started the conversation.

"Did you forget something?" I whispered. I didn't even trust my own voice... he did things like this to me.

"No." He chuckled. "I wanted to see you,"

"Oh," I felt my cheeks blaze, "why?"

"To see how you were doing."

Silence fell between us. Elle left, saying she needed to get coffee. We both new she just wanted to leave the awkwardness of me and Michael in the same room.

"I'm doing fine. Really." I smiled.

I know he can see right through it. He was the only one who really could. He knew everything about me, and I just let it go out the window. "You and I both know that's a lie."

"I'm fine, Michael." I stated sternly getting tired of him staring at me like I'm more precious than life.

"You don't seem it."

"Why are you here? Huh? Was it your mission to make me regret everything that I've done? To regret making you leave when I needed you most? Because Michael, if you are, it's working." I snapped.

He didn't say anything. Just kept staring at me.

"What? Why do you keep staring at me?" I demanded.

"Because you're beautiful."

"Oh don't give me that crap." I scoffed. "You're meant to hate me, Michael. Don't you know how this works in movies?"

He just stared at me... again.

"Stop! Stop doing that!" I groaned getting ready to throw a pillow at him.

"Stop what?"

"The thing you do with your eyes, Michael."

"I don't do any--"

"I think you should leave." I cut him off. "Leave, okay? Just leave me alone."

"No. I came here to ask you something."

"Then what is it?"

Michael took my hands in his. His touch still making my whole body feel like it's on fire. "Why did you break up with me? And I need a good answer."

I sighed casting my eyes to the ground. Of all the questions, this one? Really? "Because..." I began, "because I didn't want to hold you down, okay? There. I said it. I didn't want you to be held back by me. A stupid girl who felt like I was ruining your chance of ever making it big."

Michael just started laughing. Laughing.

"What?" I spat the words out, ripping my hands away from him.

"You broke up with me because of that?"

I just narrowed my eyes. Glaring at him.

"Because, babe, you're worth being 'held down' if I had to pick you or the band, it would be you."

"Exactly what I mean, Mike." I sighed raking a hand through my hair. "I didn't want to be that girl who made you choose."

"Can we just get back together? I've been miserable without you."

I smiled, pecking his lips. Once, twice, three, four times before nodding.


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