Save Me Pt 5. Ashton Irwin.

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Save Me Pt 5

Ashton Irwin

Backstory: Part 5 to Save Me.
A/N: Sorry! It took so long and it's short.

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"What do you think you're doing?!" A voice whisper yelled in my ear. "I cannot believe you!" The voice  continued. I didn't need to see her face to know it's Max. She obviously doesn't approve of me hanging out with Danny. She never liked him, probably because he screwed my sister then told me he loved me... but that's beside the point.

"What? I'm just having a coffee with Danny." I shrugged as she sat where he should be. He went to the bathroom.

Max rolled her eyes. "You don't even like coffee."

"Maybe I changed my mind?" I furrowed my eyebrows before sighing. "And anyway, why does it bother you?"

"Because you and Ashton are meant to be together. Not.. him." She gave me a disgusted face.

I sighed. "I just kind of bumped into him is all."

She didn't say anything, just folded her arms and leaned back in the red booth seat. I averted my gaze. She can be the sweetest girl in the world and then in a split second she can give you the biggest death glare. "Do not tell me you like him again!" She gasped, flinging forward and glaring at me.

I didn't say anything, just sipped at my coffee.

"Y/N, I cannot believe you."

Disappointment... awesome.

"You can do so much better than that prick, and it's Ashton." She shook her head. Her short brown hair swaying. "You just ruined this whole thing, you know? Ashton would've gone to great lengths to be with you, but you just ruined it."

I sighed. "Max--"

"Don't even bother, Y/N." Max cut me off, abruptly taking her bag and storming off.

→ Danny came back a few minutes later, saying how he was sorry for taking so long. I didn't talk to him much after that. Just left. I left him there confused and wondering what was wrong, just like what he did to me. I didn't get a sense of revenge or satisfaction by doing it, but I guess it just made things worse. It's going to be awkward now... well, more than before.

I hate what I did. I shouldn't of done it. Max is right; Ashton is so much better than Danny, but I screwed everything over when I told Ashton to leave and when I went mental for no reason. I wasn't kind to Ashton and he deserves every bit of kindness someone can give... he's just that special.

I ruined whatever we had. I'm the only one to blame, and I'm the only one that can do something about it. I can do something, and I will.

"Mum?" I called into the house. "Mum? Mum, I'm going out. I'm gonna see, Ash."

Mum ran into the lounge. "You're seeing Ashton?"


"Okay, just.. don't be a bitch to him this time, yeah?"

"Uhm... okay..." I chuckled shaking my head.


Thats all I did until I got to his house. My heart beat quickened, and not just because I'm really unfit and totally just ran for like ten minutes straight. I pondered outside for a bit. Trying to make some sense of what I am doing; I'm getting my best friend back and possibly gaining and boyfriend as well, I'm standing at his gate looking like an idiot, my other friend is annoyed at me for a good reason yet I don't exactly agree with it, my mum just told me not to be a bitch to him and--

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" The normally smiling boy had a frown attached to his lips, his eyebrows knitted together and he looked sad.

"Hi-- hey..." My voice cracked.

"Did- you forget something?"

"Uhm, yeah actually."


"You." I said before crashing my lips to his. I snaked my hands around his neck and he pulled me closer by holding my waist. Fireworks exploded, eagles soared and my whole being went from happiness to shock. I kissed him... and he kissed me back. We pulled away at the same time, catching our breath and giggling. That giggle of his. It can light up a city in a power outage.

"That was... was..." He seemed out of breathe looking at me. "God, I love you."

I beamed, nodding. "I love you, too." I squeaked.

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