White Noise. Luke Hemmings.

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White Noise
Luke Hemmings
Backstory: The realtionship between Luke and Y/N is rocky.
Author Note: So I don't know if I like this or not.

03:06 AM.
The obnoxious red numbers blink and taunt me as lie awake in bed. Staring at the ceiling, I sigh for the millionth time and glance at the door, waiting for the moment it opens and he comes to bed.
But it hasn't.
And it most probably won't.
He's been distant. Distant is an understatement to say the least - he's been here, physically, but mentally is totally different.
The moment he came home, I told him he should go see his family. Go spend a day with them, then come home so we can be lazy and watch a movie or something.
And he did.
But he didn't come home until four in the morning the next day, and when I woke and asked him where he had been, he decided it be fun to ignore me. So we haven't talked since then and the tension is beginning to get worse.
Also, I need to go to work tomorrow that's going to be fun. I thought this time 'round, we'd connect again and be like we were when we first started dating. I thought all of our problems would disappear, but they haven't. They've gotten worse.
Just as I roll over, I hear the door slowly creep open and close again with the tiniest little squeak. I close my eyes when Luke walks around to my side to see if I'm awake.
He sighs and takes off into the on suit bathroom, he turns on the light and brush his teeth. I feel him look at me from the doorway.
He's going to break up with me, isn't he?
When he's finished, he climbs into bed and place his arms around me. I sink further into him as he places a little kiss on the back of my neck.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N..." He whispers. "I don't know how to tell you... and the best way for me to do this is to just ignore you because I can't stand the moment I tell you and you hate me... because I know for a fact that you will."
"I love you, Y/N. I have loved you for years and I will continue to love you... but there is something big that happened and I don't know how to tell you... when you're awake. I can't stand you hating me and I know you will."
And with that he rolls over and doesn't say another word.

The clock just turns twelve when I sigh and push back the heavy blankets. I've heard voices since nine this morning, and it's most likely the rest of the Hemmings'. I'm just not entirely sure I want to face any of them right now. Especially not the youngest of the lot. Mrs Hemmings is most likely getting lunch set out on the table. Everytime Luke comes home, we have a huge lunch at his parents house and ours. It's kind of a massive catch up at the Hemmings' house hold, and then a little lunch for just us here.
Jumping down the last step, I head straight for the kitchen where Luke sat at the bench on his phone. Mumbling back answers to his brothers and parents.
"Hi," I smile once they see me and wrap my arms around Mrs Hemmings' shoulders then move to the rest of them. "Sorry it took me so long to get up. I just don't want to face tomorrow so I'm trying to be as lazy as I can."
"Oh, do you go back to work tomorrow?" Mr Hemmings asks.
"Yes, and I'm promoted to manager so my boss Cady has to take me through everything. Can't wait to drown myself in pointless paperwork." I say sarcastically, taking a cup and pouring juice into it and taking a scull. "What's up for lunch? I haven't eaten since yesterday morning."
"Luke didn't take you out for lunch? He said he was going to." Mrs Hemmings frowns.
"Uhm, no. He didn't come home 'til late last night. I just thought he was still at yours." I frown, trying my hardest to not roll my eyes at him when he looks down at his phone. "Okay then. Mrs Hemmings, do you need any help?"
"Yes. Can you please make the salad?"
"Just hold on a second I need to wash my hands." I say giving Luke the look, and heading off down the hall. He follows soon after and closes the door behind him and folds his arms over his chest like a child. "Where were you?"
"Fuck, I didn't realize Luke." I roll my eyes. "Were you at one the guys? Just spending time with them?"
"Yeah." He mumbles, looking down at his toes.
"You know, when you lie you look at your feet. Where were you?" I push the subject, wanting an answer.
"I do not." He scoffs. "And you don't need to know. It's not even that big of a deal, Y/N. Just drop it."
"Just drop it? That's all your going to say?"
"What am I supposed to say?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe an apology for starters. An apology to lying to my face, and then after that telling me where you were so that I know next time you don't come back and don't say anyrhing." I say, desperately trying to hang onto my calmness.
"I was at a friends house." He finally says.
"What friends house?"
"Why are you acting like my mother? You're my girlfriend. Stop bossing me around all the time." He snaps.
"I'm not going to be much of anything soon if you don't tell me where you were. Just tell me the name. It's simple, Luke." I carry on. Folding my arms over my chest just like him.
"So you're breaking up with me?"
"If you don't start treating me like someone you want in your life, then yeah. Maybe we just shouldn't be in each others life anymore. I'm not in high school anymore. We aren't in high school. I don't need the stupid fights that go with it." I sigh.
"I don't need the stupid fights when I'm stressing out about going on tour again--"
"Luke? Someone named Bradlee is on the phone for you." Ben says through the door, cutting him off.
"Bradlee? Just hang up."
The other side of the door goes silent as tears well up in my eyes and I push passed him and out the door. "Ben? Can you please pass me his phone?"
"Uh, yeah." He hands me Luke's phone just as he rushes out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.
"Y/N, give me my phone back." Luke states, holding out his hand.
"Or what?" I taunt. "Bradlee? Really? You're speaking to her again? You're speaking to the one person who hates me enough to spread rumors about me? You're talking to her?"
"Just give me the phone."
"No. What have you been saying to her?"
"Nothing. Just give it back."
"She's the reason you never came home isn't she? She's the reason you've been blowing me off? How could you?" My lip quivers. "How could--"
"Just give it back!"
My voice cracks when I step back. "She's the reason we broke up last time... and you went and talked to her again? I trusted you."
"We've only been texting."
"And obviously more if she's been calling you for the passed hour." I back away and wipe at my face when I hold onto his phone. "You don't even care how you make me feel don't you? You don't even care."
"Don't tell me how I feel." He grabs for his phone again, but I move back. "Y/N, just give me my phone. I'll tell her to piss off."
"Let me do it -- actually, I should just tell you to piss off. I put everything into our relationship, and you just throw it under the bus to some chick you knocked up when we were together?"
"Excuse me? Lucas!" Mrs Hemmings says standing next to me.
"You better have your shit out of my house by tomorrow or I'm throwing it out the window." I threaten, not giving him his phone back.
"And where will I go?"
"Go back to the bitch you've been seeing behind my back. The bitch you decided to throw away our relationship over."
"I'm sorry--"
"That's what you said when we were seventeen. I'm not young anymore, Luke. I don't ever want to see your face again, you hear me?" He walks closer. "If you touch me... I'm not sure what I'll do, and I know I'll regret it later."
Sniffing, I push passed him and throw his phone outside then stomp out of the house and slam the door, after telling the others that I'm sorry they had to see that.
Pushing my foot to the floor, I make my way down the road and to Cady's.

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