Coincidences. Luke Hemmings.

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Hello everyone, I am the new co-writer! My name is Claire, or better known as @ScaryWhatASmileHides, and this is actually the first imagine that I've really ever wrote but new things can be good. Anyway, both of us will be writing still but yeah. So, here is the first piece as co-writer.

"I'm heading down to the bakery, do you guys want anything?" I ask the guys, picking up my wallet, phone, and the key card to the hotel room. Michael shakes his head while Calum nods, not looking away from the game of FIFA.

"Yeah, just a pie or something, thanks mate." I grab his wallet and pull a ten dollar note out. I'm not paying for his food.

I walk to the door, Ashton following behind me. "Whatcha doing?""I need to get away from those twats, they're giving me a headache." I nod, watching the carpet under my feet change patterns. "Race ya to the elevator."

I chase after the drummer, noticing how muscular he is from this viewpoint. I mean, have you seen his ass?

"Hey, watch where you're going!" A voice shouts just as I run into someone. I topple over onto them and bring us both down to the ground. I scramble up and offer my hand to the poor girl I just tackled but she ignores it and gets up by herself.

"Luke!" Ashton yells at me, standing in the way of the open elevator doors. I give him a slight nod to let him know I'm coming and turn back to the girl to apologise. But my words die in my throat when I see how beautiful she is. She's not the normal kind of beautiful, the one that society sees as beauty, but the type that demands admiration. She's gorgeous, but in a subtle way that you wouldn't realise unless you really looked. She's pretty, not only in how her face is as radiant as the sun or her body is as breathtaking as the ocean, but in the way she holds herself with a silent dignity or the way her eyes show her strength. She's not everyone's definition of beauty, but she is mine.

"I'm so sorry. My friend was racing me and I didn't see you and I'm really sorry. Are you hurt? Oh God, I didn't hurt you, did I? 'Cause if I did you can just punch me or something so we're even and-" She cuts me off and reassures me she isn't hurt. Even her voice is gorgeous, some words a lower octave and others a higher note, making her sentences sound like a song. She's the luring siren and I'm the lovesick sailor trapped under her spell.

My siren walks away after lightly brushing her hand over my arm and leaves me covered in goose bumps. Ashton comes and pulls me into the elevator, taking us down to the ground floor. I didn't believe in love at first sight before today, but I also hadn't met her before, either.


I hadn't gotten the goofy smile off my face since I'd run into the girl. Ashton teased me all the way to the bakery but I just ignored him. He obviously didn't know what it felt like to fall in love with a stranger and know that you were never going to see them again. He just kept chatting away when something else in the bakery caught my attention.

"Order for Y/N!" The cashier said.

And then it happened. My beautiful girl stood and walked over to get her order.

It was like I was in a daze. I couldn't feel my legs walking me over to her. I couldn't hear Ash asking where I was going. I couldn't stop my hands from tingling as I reached out for her shoulder.

"Hello," I said, barely above a whisper as she turned around to face me. "I'm Luke."

"Oh, yeah! The guy from the hallway. I'm Y/N." She said, slipping her plastic bag over hand to rest on her wrist.

"Yeah, I know," The amused look on Y/N's face made me realise what I'd just said. "No, I didn't mean that! I heard your name called out. I swear I'm not a stalker!"

Practically all the blood in my body flooded to my face as she giggled behind her hand.

"It's okay, Luke. I understand," The way she said my name just made me want to record it and have it on repeat. We walked out of the shop and started down the street, Ashton long forgotten. "But seriously, two times in one day? What a coincidence."

"I don't believe in coincidences."

And when she looked up at me and smiled, I knew I'd be seeing that smile for a long time.


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