Broken Frames. Calum Hood

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Broken Frames

Calum Hood

Backstory: Krystal's band, Ghost Inside My Head, are like A Day To Remember and she is dating Calum. They release a new song that is heavier and get an award for it at the Kerrang! Awards. Calum is there for support.

A/N: The song they release is Broken Frames from Eyes Set To Kill. I really love this song (:


"Do I look okay?" I asked Calum nervously as I stood in front of him.

He glanced up from his phone only for his eyes to linger. "Whoa." He smirked.

"Calum! Honestly. Please tell me. It looks bad doesn't it? Ugh, I'm going to change-"

"No! Don't! You look..." Calum jumped up from the couch, holding me in front of him. "...breathtaking."

I blushed looking at my hands. "Think so?"

"Know so." He corrected.

"Okay... well I need to go and do my hair," I said getting out of his grip and walking back to my room.

I just recently dyed half of my head bright blue and the other half bright green. I ended up straightening it then locking my side fringe in place with a single black bow. I had a skin tight black dress on. Sleeves that went to my elbows in lace and the back lace as well. My shoes consisted of green pumps and lace over them. My fingernails a nice dark blue. The colour close to my eyes.

I feel pretty.

Calum thinks I'm pretty.

I'm nominated for hottest female... let's do this.

Calum dressed nicely in a black suite. He still didn't wear a tie, to which I didn't mind. He looked handsome. The boys in my- our band dressed similar to Cal. But still different. They were all twenty and I'm still only eighteen. They had a lot more tattoos than me and more piercings. I only have my lip, nose (ring), ears (stretchers) and my belly button done. I have a few tattoos here and there. Like Calum. Only a few.

"Okay," I said walking into the lounge again, "we should go soon. It's gonna start in like... an hour."

The guys; Adam (guitar/vocals) and Kyle (drums) stared at me. Mouths hanging open.

"...what?..." I awkwardly pulled my jacket down to cover my hands. A small habit of mine.

"You look amazing," Kyle smiled sweetly.

"You do, Kwiddle." Adam grinned. My family calls me Kwiddle and since they are like my older brothers, they call me it too.

I rolled my eyes. Take Calum's hand and lead him out of the house. Mum said she would meet us there so I guess I'll see her soon.

Kyle, Adam and I sworn to never like each other. Well, me really. When I first met them, Kyle and Adam had hit on me.  Nothing happened, because I stopped it. But since then we see each other as nothing but family.

Calum had a bit of a problem when I told him cause he was my best friend at the time. He let it go quickly though.

On the red carpet I a few photos with Calum. I met Ash Costello from, New Years Day. Had a nice conversation with Jenna McDougal from, Tonight Alive. Nearly cried when I saw Asking Alexandria because they saved my life. I also have a massive girl crush on their drummers girlfriend, Brandi. She is so gorgeous. I talked with her for a while.

"You look beautiful," Mum squeezed my hand as she kissed my cheek.

She looked pretty as well. "Were the girls annoyed when they couldn't come?"

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