Meeting My Family. Michael Clifford.

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Meeting My Family

Michael Clifford

Backstory: Mike meets your family for the first time.


Mum and my dad always knew I would bring home a boy that liked the same music as me, and maybe in a band. They pleaded that I didn't bring home a guy that I knew they wouldn't like. So, when my mum found out I had a boyfriend, she demanded he meets him.

I was planning on never telling my mother, and only telling her he is my friend... but that didn't work when he announced he was in a relationship with, me. He knew my Facebook password, and logged on to my account one day when he I was at his house.

"Michael, don't." I warned, holding his arm.

"Why?" He laughed.

"I will never be able to hear the end of it... please don't." I told him.

He shut the lid of his laptop, and turned so he was looking at me. "Are you embarrassed of me?"

"No! Of course not. If anything, you should be embarrassed by me. No, I just... you know how bad my family is," I sighed.

"Are you afraid they won't like me?" Michael asked, moving closer to me.

"Maybe..." I trailed off, as he moved even closer to me. We were inches away from each other. "My family are impossible," I added, moving my hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders.

"Who cares? I want everyone to know I'm with you," He mumbled, pressing his lips to mine gently. I closed my eyes like he did. He suddenly moved away, reaching for the laptop.

(Your Full Name) is now in a relationship with Michael Clifford.

"Oh my god... my family are going to see that. My whole family," I sighed, resting my head in his lap. Michael gently played with my hair.

"I'm proud to say you're my girlfriend. You should just get over it,"

"Oh thanks for the support, Clifford."

( * * * )

Now, I stood in the kitchen waiting for the message from Michael telling me that he was at the gate. My mum invited my sisters over, and they're partners. Not that I really liked them, but hey... it's family. My older brother is home for his 21st birthday with his girlfriend, so they were invited. Yeah... whole family. Awesome.

To: Y/N

From: Mikey <3

Hey, I'm at the gate. I need to take a piss, so hurry upp 0.o

"Mum, Michael's here. I'll go get him," I mumbled, opening the ranch slider and stepping outside.

"Okay. You're brother should be here soon!" Mum called after me.

I smiled at Michael when I reached him. He wore his plaid shirt with black skinnies and shoes. "Hello, handsome," I giggled wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Hello, gorgeousness." He smirked, resting his hands on my waist. "Oh, I have something for you," Michael added after a few moments. "Hang on," He let go of me, as I did him, and reached into his back pocket. "Its not much, but Luke helped me pick it out. I know how much you like photos. Your whole thing about capturing a moment, so happy anniversary,"

I opened the locket to see a picture of me and Michael on our first date. Really it was just us at school together eating by ourselves because our friends ditched us. He decided to call it our first date. So, I made him take a photo with me to celebrate the moment.

I grinned. "You're so cheesy when you want to be,"

"Hey. I'm punk rock-"

"Keep telling yourself that buddy." I smiled putting the locket over my head and tucking it under my shirt.

Michael casually reached into my shirt and pulled out the locket.


"I want everyone to see it you idjit." Michael smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Cheese puff," I giggled taking his hand and leading him up the path.

( * * * )

"So, you're the one kissing my daughter?" Mum said as I walked into the lounge with Michael.

"Mum please don't..." I sighed, squeezing Mikey's hand.

"Erm, yes..." Mikey locked his gaze on the floor.

"You have tattoos?" Mum asked.

Michael looked at me, before gulping. "Y-yes,"

"Cool. I knew Y/N would bring home a boy like you. So, you're in a band?"

"5 Seconds Of Summer," Michael said proudly.

"You know them. I listen to them all the time," I chimed in.

"Do you?" Michael nudged you.

"Yeah. I listen to you guys like every day. And, you are on tv." I nudged him back.

"You're adorable." He giggled but stopped when everyone in the room was looking at him.

I felt my cheeks heat up as hid my face in his arm. My brother groaned. "Could you not do that? It's weird."

"Urgh, shut up. You kiss your girlfriend when we're eating. Get over yourself," I snapped.

Michael snickered.

"Okay, well... yeah can you get us when dinner is ready?" I looked over at mum.


Skipping to the middle of dinner. Sorry!

Michael held my hand under the table as he slowly ate his food. My brother obviously didn't like him as much as I would have wanted him too. Michael gently let go of my hand as he took his plaid top off, revealing his Metallica shirt.

"Metallica?" Mum asked as my sisters looked intently at him. "You're in my good books now," She laughed.

Michael smiled at her as I squeezed his hand.

"What's that?" My sister asked me, motioning to the locket.

"This? Oh, Mikey gave it to me. Its a locket with a picture of us in it," I answered.

"Can I look at it?"

I nodded, letting go of his hand and pulling it over my head then handing it over the table. The photo was Michael kissing my cheek as I laughed. Luke had taken the photo on my phone. Its still my screen saver after at least 4 months.

"That's cute," She commented.

"Its amazing," I smiled up at Michael as kissed my temple in front of my entire family at the dinner table.


Part 2? No? okay.

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