Friends With Benefits. Luke Hemmings.

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Friends With Benefits

Luke Hemmings

Backstory: You're staying at Luke's house since your Mum is away with friends. You've had a thing with Luke since you were 16 and you get confronted over it.


Luke and I had, had a friends with benefits thing going on since we were sixteen. I know it's young to start something like that, but Calum made us both go to a party and, well we kind of hooked up. We woke up the next morning in the same bed, with a... few condom packets on the ground. I freaked out. I had only had sex with one guy, and he was my boyfriend for a year. Luke freaked out. I don't even know his story. But since we were never really the type of people to do something like this, it was a huge shock.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked frantically searching for my top.

"No. Do you?" Luke asked, looking like he was about to cry.

"Oh my god," I fell to my knees only in my jeans and bra.

"What?" Luke asked sitting up even more in his bed.

"Look how many are on the ground..." I flicked them away.

"You must have been good, then," Luke smiled a little finding the humor in the situation.

"Yeah, I guess," I chuckled.

Now we're both nearly 18, we hadn't really talked about it. Just a quick fuck here and there. We were- are great friends, but I'm sure the guys have caught on. I'm sure a lot of people have caught on... so now, in this moment, I'm sitting with Luke on the couch with Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke's parents. Mum was away with a few friends for a month so I've been staying at Luke's. Yeah, we done it a few times. Michael looked like he was going to burst from laughing. The tension in this room? Through the fucking roof.

"Luke and Y/N," Luke's mum began.

Oh, here we fucking go...

"We," Liz motioned to Luke's dad and the boys, "called you here to discuss something we are a little... worried about." Liz stated.

Worried? Oh god... I'm not pregnant. What could they be worried about.

I glanced over at Luke. He looked like he was going to be sick of embarrassment. I could only picture how I looked. Though, he looked kind of really adorable.

Michael snickered, making Calum and Ashton burst out laughing. "I'm... I'm sorry," Michael cackled. "This is... this, you-" He cut himself off with cackling even more.

I sunk further into the couch, trying my hardest to not let anything off.

"Boys!" Liz called.

They contained themselves, stopping to a few small giggles here and there. Whenever they'd look at each other they'd snicker again though.

"Do you have anything to say?" Liz asked, crossing her arms.

"No..." I said, almost in a whisper.

"You don't seem to sure, Y/N," Ashton cackled.

"You boys out. Go watch tv in the other room," Liz sent them out, then she turned back to us. She sighed. "Look, just tell us. Why?"

"Why what?..." Luke played dumb.

Well going.

"You know why." Liz talked.

"I can see your guilty of something." Luke's dad cut in. "Just tell us what it is. The boys haven't said anything, though I have a fair idea what they're going on about."

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