The Reichenbach Fall. Michael Clifford.

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The Reichenbach Fall.
Michael Clifford.
Blurb: Don't be scared. Falling is just like flying, except there's a more permanent destination.
Part Two.

"I knew you'd fall for it. That's your weakness - you always want everything to be clever. Now, shall we finish the game? One final act. Glad you chose a tall building - nice way to do it."

"Do it? Do - do what?

Sherlock blinks as it becomes clearer to him and he turns towards Moriarty.

"Yes, of course. My suicide."

"'Genius detective proved to be a fraud.' I read it in the paper, so it must be true. I love newspapers. Fairy tales."

Sherlock walks closer to the edge of the roof and leans forward, looking over the side to the ground below. Moriarty walks to stand beside him and looks over the side as well.

"And pretty grim ones too."


Luke jumps out of the taxi and hurries towards the door of 221B, scrambling for his keys. Inside, he finds Y/N standing beside a tattooed and bald man drilling a hole into the wall just before the stairs. As Luke runs towards her, she jumps, startled.

"Oh, God, Luke! You made me jump!"

He just stares at her in confusion. "But . . ."

"Is everything okay now with the police, Luke. Has Sherlock sorted it all out?"

Luke stares at Y/N for a moment before it sinks in and the horror hits him. He runs out of the building, Y/N hot on his heels, knowing something just wasn't right, and they both clambered into a taxi, Luke spouting some address Y/N couldn't pick up in all the hustle and bustle. Luke just hoped they wouldn't be too late.


"I can still prove that you created an entirely false identity."

"Oh, just kill yourself. It's a lot less effort." Moriarty says, exasperated. "Go on. For me. Pleeeeeease?"

"You're insane." Sherlock snarls at him, grabbing him by the collar and shoves his back towards the edge.

Moriarty blinks once. "You're just getting that now?"

Sherlock pushes him further and Ashton simply holds his hands out wide, committing himself completely to Sherlock's grasp on his Westwood suit.

"Okay, let me give you a little more incentive." Moriarty adds, the insanity becoming even clearer in his voice. "Your friends will die if you don't."

The fear creeps into Sherlock's eyes no matter how much he tries to surpass it.


"Not just Luke." Moriarty lowers his voice to a whisper. "Everyone."

"Mrs Hudson."



"And that pretty little bird you're so infatuated with. What was her name again? Y/N?" Moriarty smirks at the terror in Sherlock's eyes. "Four bullets; four gunmen; four victims. There's no stopping them now."

Sherlock pulls Moriarty back away from the ledge.

"Unless my people see you jump. You can have me arrested; you can torture me; you can do anything you like with me; but nothing's gonna prevent them from pulling the trigger. Your only four friends in the world will die . . . unless . . ."

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