Our Little Secret. Michael Clifford.

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Our Little Secret
Michael Clifford
Backstory: Ex Boyfriend Michael doesn't want brother Ashton to find out you're dating each other.
Author Note: Holy shee-it. Nearly 100 followers?! Wow, you guys are amazing! Thank you so much!

What is love? It's an emotion. What are emotions? It's what humans feel, to feel... well, human. And what is human? It's false and true. So what are these all together? Life. Love and life, are true and false. Is love false? If so, how can it be true? Sure - the feelings are, but in the end someone always loves more than the other. Someone is always left feeling worthless and heart broken. So why do we call love, love? If in the end we're so broken. But it's beautiful isn't it? It's beautiful. Beautiful and broken.
That's the false part, I'm guessing. The beautiful and the hideous.
Our parents tell us to go out, find love and enjoy it. But what is love to us these days? To us teenagers? To twelve year olds, it's holding hands and kissing in front of friends after being together for two days. To thirteen year olds, they believe it's a little bit more than that because they're so mature. But it's not is it? No one at this age knows of what love is.
Sure, we can love pets and parents and siblings, even friends, but it's never truly real. Because we don't know what love is.
I say love is false and broken. Kind of like promises people can not keep. But I wouldn't know of it much, I'm just a silly girl who got knocked up in the middle of my last school year. And that isn't sarcasm either. It's true. Like a falling star.

"Today we are going to be learning about what is so important about keeping promises. In a healthy relationship, promises are what keeps the relationship healthy. Thea, can you please tell me what you think about this? Can you elaborate?" Mrs Jones says. My PE and health teacher.
"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have a bigger insight than anyone else here." But I don't say that. I shrug and look down at my paper.
"Promises is what makes the world corrupt." I shrug, not really seeing the face of horror on my teachers face. "Everyone makes them, and everyone breaks them. It's life. Just like passing a homeless person on the street. Everyone in their lives, at least once, will always look down on a homeless man, woman or even a family. It's what humans do. They point out everyone's flaws before their own - at least that's what I read in a book." But I didn't read it in a book. This class just doesn't give a proper learning curve for this topic.
"And have you looked down a homeless person?" Mrs Jones raises and expecting eyebrow. Wanting to get her -I'm-so-much-more-superior-than-you-because-I'm-a-teacher look on.
"Sure. When I was younger, obviously. Every kid does it. It's not rocket science, Miss. It's just what everyone does." I shrug. "Can you stop asking me questions now?"
Mrs Jones fights to roll her eyes and starts handing out sheets of paper. Most likely going to be a bitch to me for the rest of the year, but at least in less than a year I'll be out of here and adopting my child. To my cousin of course. She and her husband have wanted a child for years now. They just can't have one.

Once period two is over, and I'm waiting by the art block for Jaemy to come over, Michael is first on the scene. Laughing into his phone.
"Thea Irwin, can you please come with me?" He says once he ends the call and shoves his phone in his jeans pocket and straightens his stupid uniform tye.
He doesn't even know the shit he's put me through, and now he thinks he can just be okay with us and take me somewhere? Who does he think he is?
"I'm waiting for Jaemy. This isn't a good time." I turn away, taking my phone out and pressing a few buttons trying to make it look like I'm doing something.
"Look, I know you're mad at me for... for not being there for you, but you have to understand where I'm coming from--"
"No I don't. You have to understand where I'm coming from, Michael. You don't even begin to think how many times Ashton has sat me down and asked me who the father of my child is. I have to lie and say I don't know because you're too stubborn and fucked in the head to say I can tell Ashton. I don't tell him anything - for your sake." I say, finally taking a breath and calming myself down enough to not shake. "Michael, do you even care about how I'm feeling?"
"I don't think you do. And if you must know, I'm giving Hollaye to Helen, my cousin and her husband. They're adopting her." I say, seeing the hurt expression on his face. "I haven't told them yet, I just want the right time to bring it up. I'll have full contact and be in the right of everything. Like names and things. But that's about it - for what you need to know."
Saying I haven't told them yet, is a full indication for him to fall to his knees and tell me how much he loves me and Hollaye.
But of course he doesn't. He just wipes has his face and lays his hand on my shoulder.
"Hollaye? Is that her name?" He asks.
"Well, you did say you liked the name and it started growing on me. I'll probably want to her call something like Harlee when she's older, but Hollaye is good for now." I nod. Wanting to just fall in his arms and never let go.
"Hey what's going on? Has Michael decided to confess up to his sins?" Jaemy never did like the way Michael was with me. She actually has never liked him.
"Nothing, I was just leaving." Michael nods, beginning to walk away but comes back to kiss my cheek.
Luke and Calum know Michael is the father to my baby, they're just too scared to tell Ashton. That's why we never bring the subject up. Just kind of shrug it off and never really talk about it properly.
"Come on, let's get you home so you can get to your appointment." Jaemy has come to every ultrasound and every appointment or shopping experience. She's been there since day one - I really couldn't have done this without her.

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