School. Calm

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Backstory: You become friends with the guys at school.


School. What's the definition for this? Basically hell. Filled with blonde bitches, mean assholes, and outcast. Things like that, that make me even feel physically down for having to even step foot in that place. And, it's even worse when you're the nerd. I admit, I love The Avengers. Captain America and Iron Man are amazing. Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit is basically my life. I wish to be a huge geek like Stephen Colbert. (I'm beyond sure he's the king of Lord Of The Rings geekness.) I have been to comic con, and it's freaking amazing. Doctor Who? one of the best things I've witnessed. But, most of all music is my all time thing. Bands have ruined my life, and for the better. All Time Low and Asking Alexandria have saved my life, more times than anyone even knows. You can call me obsessed, but I owe them everything - they saved me. And, that's more than my family can say. Sure, they're on the other side of the world and have never met me, but I know them.

And that's amazing in its self.

But, school is on today. Friday. The best day, with my worst classes. Health, German and maths. I'm failing so bad in maths, it's not even real. I don't even get half the things the teacher says. Why do we even need maths? When will we ever need to use letters in numbers. Does that make sense? No. It doesn't. As soon as letters come in, I'm completely lost and don't even function. It doesn't help that I have a teacher who makes it his challenge to ask me, and only me for the answers when no one has their hand up.

I'm skipping maths. I have been doing it for the past week. I'm skipping and going to the end of the field, like I do almost everytime. But today, feels different. It doesn't feel like a normal Friday... it's weird.

I am the only one here, again. My phone and art book are the only thing I need. I placed my bag down next to me. I let my hair fall down my back, as it swayed with the wind. I plugged my headphones in, keeping my phone close to me so I know when my next period is. I played Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings through my headphones loudly. Blocking out the small chirps of the birds in the trees.

I had been there for twenty minutes when I heard people talking behind me. I glanced back to see four guys sitting around the tree. One was definitely a senior, but I didn't know the other grades of the other three. A blonde boy kept glancing around like he was scared.

"Just relax, Luke," One of them laughed.

"And what if we get caught? Huh? I'll be dead," He snapped back.

The four laughed as he fiddled with his shirt.

I ignored them, and continued listening to All Time Low.

"Dude, she's listening to All Time Low." I heard over my music I changed the song to Toxic Valentine.

"What song?" A voice asked.

"Erm, sounds like... Toxic Valentine?"

"Oh man I love that song," Another chimed in.

"Talk to her," A mumbled voice asked.

"No! You,"

"No. You,"


What are they doing? Mocking me? Fuck...

I changed the song to The Final Episode (Let's Change The Channel) by Asking Alexandria. I couldn't hear anything anymore. Only Danny's voice.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see the four boys smiling down at me.

"Yes?..." I mumbled taking out my headphone.

"Hi. Ashton. Were you listening to All Time Low?" The senior smiled.

"Erm, yeah..." I trailed off, quickly closing my book once I saw them looking down at it.

"This is, Michael, Luke and Calum. We listen to All Time low too," Ashton smiled proudly.

"That's great, but erm... I'm kinda busy,"

Stranger danger. Wow... they're pretty cute though.

"That's okay. What else do you listen to?" Ashton took a seat next to me and taking my headphone.

"Erm... bands?" I mumbled looking at my hands.

"Wow, you're good." Michael said over my shoulder. He looked the title page of my English book. "You do that?"

"Yeah..." I pulled my sleeves down past my fingers. Something I do when I'm nervous... and for other reasons too.

They all glanced at each other.

Oh my god. They're going to tell everyone I'm a freak.

"You listen to Asking Alexandria?" Calum asked, looking at my phone case.

"Yeah. Favorite band actually,"

"You go to westfest in New Zealand?" Calum asked.

"Yeah I did actually. Met them," I nodded.

"Are you kiwi? You sound it,"

"Yeah I am. Are you?"


"Has people asked if we actually lived in grass houses?" I asked.

"Yes! So many times. Someone even asked me if Pa's were still around," Calum laughed.

I smiled. "Same. This one guy actually asked if I came from a tribe, and if I use grass as clothes,"

"How dumb can some people be?" Calum laughed.

"Beats me,"

The bell interrupted me. "Fuck. I have science,"

"Hey, so do I. What class?" Luke spoke for the first time.

"Erm, J125?"

"Hey, same." He smiled. I packed up my stuff.

"You should come back here at lunch?" Ashton said.

"Yeah, kay," I smiled.

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