We'll Be A Dream. Luke Hemmings.

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We'll Be A Dream
Luke Hemmings
Backstory: He meets your family.
Author Note: Should I make a part 2?

A few days ago my brother Nathan, his girlfriend Leeza and I surprised my mum by coming home for Nathan's twenty first birthday. Mum thought she wouldn't be able to see any of us on his birthday, but we arranged it so we came at the same time. We tried to come on the same flight but we couldn't so my sister and I had to wait three more hours until we went to pick up Nathan and Leeza. In those three hours I talked to Luke. My boyfriend. We talked for hours because that day was his day off and he was either going to sleep or spend the day talking to me. Luckily he talked to me.

But today is the day I go and pick Luke up from the airport so he can meet my brother and my sister-in-law.

Just my luck - it's raining, I have no idea where to go, and mum is shitty at me for not telling her soon enough. So instead of mum driving me three hours to Auckland and three hours back, Nathan and Leeza are taking me.

It's strange how mum doesn't trust me in the rain but trusts my brother who drives like he driving a rally car everyday. I drive more respectful, but alas, I cannot drive. Great.

"Come on, Ayelix! We need to go so we can stop off and eat something!" Nathan yelled from the front door of the small-ish house. "Leeza! You don't need to put on make up either! Just hurry up!"

"Coming!" Leeza and I yelled in unison. I grabbed for my handbag and shoes then ran down the short amount of stairs and to where Nathan didn't look impressed.

"Make up? To get your boyfriend? Wow." Nathan rolled his eyes.

I scoffed grabbing my Iced Coffee from the fridge. "I'm sorry, but I need to wear make up to get my boyfriend and I also need to try not look like a zombie while I'm picking him up because there will be his fans there and I'm not going to get ambushed again when I met him in America last time." I said tapping his shoulder as I walked passed him. "I want to drive some of the way!"

Once we actually got into the airport and out of the traffic of the carpark, my nerves wouldn't die down. Stupid thoughts and anxieties surrounded me in a puddle of doom.

What if he thinks I'm ugly?

What if he tells me that he has another girlfriend?

What if he goes home early?

What if he hates me?

What if he doesn't want to meet my family?

What if he decided on the plane he didn't want me anymore?

What if he hates my family?

What if he thinks my family is poor and leaves?

What if Nathan and him don't get along?

What if he finally realizes I'm so out of his league and he dumps me?

What if he dumbs me right in front of my family?

Leeza shoved me right out of those thoughts as a group of girls squealed as a lanky, blue eyed, blond hair, wearing all black boy stepped through the gates with a trolley of bags in front of him and a grey beanie I bought him last time I saw him and from the looks of it, Calum's shirt as well. Lucas Hemmings.

I grinned, hot tears brimming my eyes as I saw him smiling at all the pretty girls and saying a small hello to them as they flashed their camera's at him and screamed at him for attention.

I wiggled on the spot. Checking myself to see if I looked okay I made a break for it. A break for it through the huge group of girls that scattered across the barrier. I began jogging in my black boot wedge heels, black skinny jeans, the leather jacket mum bought me a few years back and the shirt Luke bought me with Ben Bruce Bitches Love Ben Bruce and the handbag he also bought me for my birthday. My newly dyed red hair flew behind me in messy tangles.

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