Good Girls, Bad Guys. Michael Clifford.

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Good Girls, Bad Guys
Michael Clifford
Backstory: Off of Falling In Reverse. Kinda.

I've been a bad boy, and it's plain to see. So why do good girls fall in love with me?


I sigh as I sit in the booth of MickieD's. Jamaaye should be here any time to help me study for the stupid German test that I have to take in the next few days.

I keep getting told that leaving it this late is cutting it short, but who cares right? I definitely don't.

I got shit to do, and I don't have to worry about studying. I mean - it's not like I'm going to do anything with my life.

Ever heard of sitting on the couch all day and playing video games? Actually, I need to steal that game off of Luke next time I see him.

"Hey," A small voice says as a figure sits down in front of me. "It's a bit loud in here don't you think?"

"You're not Jamaaye." I say, looking at the girl with glasses, blue-ish, purple hair and a pierced nose.

"I'm Ryker - Jamaaye's friend. Well she's not my friend per say, she just gave me twenty bucks for tutoring you." She says putting her bag down on the table and pulling out a folder with band photos splayed all over the cover. "Do you even know German?"

"No, but I listen to a German band." I shrug.

"Well that's really going to help." She says rolling her eyes.

"Sarcasm?" I chuckle. She's not as... up her self as Jamaaye.

"Yes. Familiar with it?"

"Something like that. So what do I need to know the most to pass the test?" I ask putting my phone in my pocket.

She smiles.

"Uhm... all of it? What do you think?" She hands me a piece of paper and a pen. "You need to write a paragraph about yourself. Like your name, date of birth, where you live, favorite colour - pet. A friend. Anything really,"

"And what would yours be?"

"Halo, Mein name ist Ryker. That's the first bit - I can't really remember the rest but that's what you need to do."

"Do you study a lot?"

"Mate, I didn't even know we had exams til a few days ago." She laughs. "But if you'd like I can come back tomorrow and help you some more."

A few hours later, we hadn't done much studying but a lot of laughing and eating french fries and cheeseburgers.

She likes Game Of Thrones. Arya and Tyrion are her favorite characters, she wishes she was best friends with benefits with Jon Snow or one of the Stark boys. Sean Bean is like amazing to her - she loves Lord Of The Rings as well. She mostly is a Hobbit girl, and loves Alfrid and Fili but in Lotr she is ultimately a Samwise Gamgee girl. In The Avengers she's Loki all the way and Tom is just a prince charming in real life.

And let's not even go there with her music taste. She loves All Time Low and is a solid Jack girl and on the other hand she's a Zack girl as well. Because they're aren't enough of them, and he's so cute when he laughs.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She laughs on the other side of the line. "You're like quiet."
"Does Jamaaye like me, at all?" I ask.
"Uhm, why?"
"She just messaged me on Facebook and kind of had a go at me cause we didn't do any studying and apparently you don't even like me enough to me nice to me." I say skimming over the text on my Laptop. "What's her deal?"
"Yeah. Jamaaye has liked you for yonks but she never does anything about it cause you're a bad boy supposedly." Ryker giggles. "You just seem like a nerd to me."
"Okay - if I'm a nerd so are you. You like the same things as me." I laugh. "For some reason the only girls that ever like me are too good to be with me. They study all the time and I don't like studying."
"Why do good girls fall in love with you? That's the question isn't it?" She falls silent. "Anyway, I should go. I want to watch a show and you're stopping me."
"Okay. Well watch that show and don't think about me." I flirt.
I can't flirt for my life.
"I can't make any promises, Clifford." She giggles.
"Bye, Ryker."
"It's weird how we met today and talk like we've known each other forever, isn't it? Bye, Mike."
The line goes dead and instead of girls thinking of me before they sleep, I find myself thinking of Ryker and dreaming about her smile and us holding hands in the fields of Hobbiton.

Don't judge, okay? I wanna dance like they do in Fellowship Of The Ring.

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