Check Yes Juliet. Luke Hemmings

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Check Yes Juliet

Luke Hemmings

Backstory: Luke has a crush on you, and wrote you a letter telling you he likes you.


Dear Y/N,

I know no one really writes these kinds of things anymore... I know my handwriting is pretty much shit, but I needed to tell you this sooner or later. I know you probably don't know me, and would think of me as the annoying kid in class. Please don't be weirded out by this, but I really like you. I have forever to be honest with you... and I don't know if you know me. But you're just beautiful and I see you at lunch time laughing and joking around with your friends, and I wish I had the courage to come and talk to you. I wish I had the courage to ask you to prom, but I know you've probably already been asked. You're so wow and I'm so urgh. But you're beautiful and I wish I could talk to you.


the kid three seats behind you in science class.

I looked up from the letter, looking around trying to figure out who had shoved this in my bag, but no one looked out of place.

Who could this be?

No one has ever been this nice...

In science I glanced back behind me. Counting down three, my eyes landed on, Lucas Hemmings. My breath caught in my throat. He slowly looked up. I ripped my gaze away, letting them find my test paper again.

It can't be Luke Hemmings!

How can it be Luke Hemmings?

He could have any girl he wanted...

"Okay, hand back in your test papers. Have a quick look over your score, and write down what you need to improve on." My science teacher, Ms Fields, told us.

"Hey, what did you get wrong?" My friend, Amy, asked.

"Erm, the graphs... I don't get them," I shrugged handing my paper to my teacher.

"Me either. I think it's science in general I don't get," Amy laughed.

I laughed as well, shaking my head. "Oh my gosh, really scales down everything. Hey, you know Luke?"

"Yeah," Amy put her hands up above her head.

"He wrote me a letter, telling me how he likes me..."

"Whoa. Don't you like him?"

"Yeah... but what if it's a joke? And then he goes and tells everyone,"

"He won't. He obviously really likes you, cause he's never done anything like that,"


"Positive!" Amy threw her hands up.

"Yes, Amy?" Ms Fields cut me off. "What is your question?"

Amy quickly put down her hands. "N-nothing?..." She stuttered.

"Then why did you have your hand up?" Ms Fields demanded.

"Proving a point," Amy answered.

"What is that point?"

Amy looked down at me. I shook my head.

"Y/N, what is the point?" Ms Fields asked.

"N-nothing..." I mumbled looking down at my hands.

"What is the point? If you want to make a scene out of it, tell the class." Ms Fields said.

I looked at the ground. "Erm... it was erm... just..." I thought quickly, "bands. You know. Who's better Jack Barakat or Alex Gaskarth? Blink-182 or Fall Out Boy? Who has the hotest girlfriend between Ben Bruce and James Cassells? Just... girl stuff?" I tried.

"Pft! That isn't girl stuff," A chick spoke up from the back.

"Oh you really wanna know what we were talking about?" I called back to her. Moving around in my chair.

"How ugly each of you are?"


"Whats more fake? Your hair or boobs?" I smirked. The classroom erupted in Oohh's.

She gasped.

"You're a slut," She shrieked.

"Oh honey, at least I know the difference between trying too hard, and just being a whore. Take a lesson from the fact that everyone thinks you're a bitch, and not many people like you." I rolled my eyes.


"When you think of anything better, how 'bout you come find me, yeah? Oh no... I don't think you will, because you're a little fucking dumb aren't you?" I spoke up loudly.

Amy snickered as well as half the class did.

"Hah! Shame, Sophie. Hey, do you all know she's been hooking up with her step brother?" Amy laughed.

"Amy!" The teacher stopped the conversation. "Y/N and Amy stop fighting with her, and do your work."

"Nice save," Amy giggled.

I walked out of class, laughing and joking around with Amy.

"You should talk to, Luke." She said shoving me in his direction, causing me to trip and drop all my books on his feet.

I gasped, falling to the ground in the middle of his group of friends. "I'm so sorry!" I mumbled, pushing my glasses up my nose. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," I rambled on, reaching out to get my books. He bent down, helping me.

The note. Oh shit...

"I see you got it..." Luke blushed.

"Erm, yeah," I looked down.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." Luke said, helping me to my feet.

"No, no its fine. I, erm... you like too? Wait, what? Like you too? You like too?-"

Luke cut me off by laughing. His friends stood around snickering at me.

"Hey, it's okay. I get what you mean. Amy gave me your number so... I'll text you?"

"Sure," I played it off cooly.

"You fucking bitch. I hate you so much. Why would you do that?!" I whisper yelled as I reached, Amy. Slapping her upside the head.

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