You Break Up. Blurb 1/4

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You Break Up
Blurb 1/4
Backstory: You and Calum break up, but still love each other and miss each other.

"Welcome back." The over happy show presenter said. "Today we have a special guest. They have topped the charts in many countries, made fans cry all over the world and are only teenagers. Welcome, 5 Seconds Of Summer."

I felt my heart sink as Calum walked onto the stage. Smiling, and waving to the audience watching the show from the studio. I got weary looks from around the room. Swallowing my pride, I kept my gaze on the flat screen tv. They sat down, of course Luke sat in between Michael and Calum, and Ashton started off the questions.

"So we have a few questions from your fans here in, Australia. These are just off Twitter so we'll read them out, and you answer." I learned her name was Katie Jones. "The first question is from Hanna Hall; What is your favorite song/band at the moment and why?"

Michael answered with, of course, Nickelback. I shook my head, because that was one of his favorite bands.

"And what about Calum?" Katie had taken a liking to him.

Calum thought. "Wait, no, okay so I know... It'd be... I've actually been listening to a lot of Evanescence lately." He shrugged.

"Any reason?" Luke smirked.

"Nope. Nah, not really," Calum said.

Evanescence is like my most favorite band, and he said that when he's away from me for a long amount of time... he listens to them. And we have been apart for a while.

"And the second question is from, Jaime, no second name; Who is single in 5SOS? Good question." Katie smiled, looking over the four boys. My smile faltered as I sunk into my chair. Well, now this is gonna hurt.

"We're all single at the moment." Ashton answered on behalf of all the boys.

Katie seemed confused. "Calum, what happened with your relationship?"

He paused playing with his shirt. "It just didn't really work out." He left it for a while. "I mean like, I don't want her to get any hate or anything because we both decided to break up. She didn't break up with me - we just broke up with each other. So erm yeah."

"Was it because of the hate?"

"No, well I don't really know. I think it was because of the distance to be the proper answer, and it was hard for us because we're both only eighteen and when I could visit, she was in school doing exams and so we both just kind of decided on letting it go." Calum answered truthfully.

"I actually have another question regarding that; it's from @cakes_mashton Do you and Y/N still talk?"

"We haven't really been talking because it's been awkward, but if she is watching or whatever then yeah, I would like to talk to her... maybe get some of my Nirvana hoodies back," He laughed, "but please don't give her hate. It wasn't her fault."

Calum kind of just didn't really answer anymore questions regarding how we broke up or if we talk anymore. I excused myself from the lounge and ran to my room. I missed him like crazy, but it just didn't work out and we both know it. Logging onto twitter, I checked if he was still following me. He is.

@Y/twitter/N  Hey Cal ^.^ I'm sorry but I won't be giving that Nirvana hoodie back... it keeps me close to you.

Calum Hood
@Calum5SOS It's okay. I still have some of your bra's that I so don't look at everyday xc I miss you, and still love you.

@Y/twitter/N I miss you, too xox and I still love you xox

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