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Here is your Prologue.

Scene 1

Boy and Girl are sitting in a room. Boy was blankly staring the floor while Girl was acting of fake cry and smirking through her fake tears.

Boy=Did I really did what you said..?

he said blankly and a tear escaped his eye.

Girl=You think I am lying. You...you...I..I lost my respect, my virgin everything and you...you are the criminal, bloody bastard. I will report FIR against you..

she said highlighting each and every word with her fake tears.

Boy=How can I...??

he stopped in between searching for words when A lump formed in his throat.

Girl= Now you have to accept me or else you will face the conciquences.

Boy looked at her in shock.

Boy= I...I love someone else..

Girl= Then I will tell her everything...

This shocked him more. The girl smirked internally

Scene 2

Everyone was standing stunned when another boy came near his brother and slapped him hard on his face with anger clear in his eyes.

Boy 2= How can you do it when you have your own sister..

he said burning in anger. It was like he failed in everything he did for his family. Boy who was slapped was holding his burning cheek with tears in his eyes.

Boy=I'm sorry...

he stammered which made boy 2 more angry.

Boy 2= Can your sorry return the respect back to her which she lost that night Huh?

he again said disappointed and angrily. He stormed out before boy could say anything.

Girl= I Never expected this from the one I loved with my whole pure heart.

Girl said helplessly and in crack voice before storming out of the mansion. Boy was helpless. He sat on his knees as his legs also betrayed him and fell on his knees crying badly, shaking with every sob and hiccups.

Scene 3

A girl was lying on a hospital bed with drips and bandage on her head. Boy entered the room and his heart skipped a beat. He slowly paced till her bed and sat beside her firmly keeping her hand in his.

Boy= I know I wouldn't have favoured her but I was helpless. Pls forgive me. I am so sorry.

Boy said in almost pleading voice. He was having guilt. Suddenly girl opens her eyes and starts scanning her surroundings. That was the time when she saw him she jerked him away and unfortunately hissed in pain.

Boy= Calm down...

Girl (shouting)= get out of here..

Before boy could speak she again shouted. Boy' eyes were moist and without saying anything he left the place leaving girl crying behind.

Scene 4

Girl was pacing here and there in tension at morning time waiting for someone to open the door.
After sometimes, boy opened the door.

Boy=You here at this time..??

Girl nodded.

Girl= I wanna meet ____ once pls.

Boy= After whatever he did with your sister then too...

He said blaming his brother. Girl couldn'thear anymore against him so she bursted.

Girl (bursting)= He didnt did anything. It was all her plan please let me meet him once pls.

Boy wasn't satisfied but nodded and both went inside. Girl directly went to a room and saw a boy sleeping on his bed. She was floaded in tears which were not ready to stop. Girl went near the boy and sat beside him and started caressing his hair and broke down.

Girl (sobbing)= Im sorry..Im soo sorry. I..I couldn't save you from my sister. I was wrong in understanding her..I'm sorry..I didn't tried finding truth and blamed you for everything. Im sorry pls forgive me Answer me pls.

Girl noticed no movement. She shook the boy. He didnt responded. She finally turned him and a bottle of pills fell from his hand. Girl quickly picked the bottle and her eyes widen when she read the tag. She couldn't believe her eyes. Fear took over her. It was like she lost everything. She started crying badly and shaking boy. It was like a nightmare to her which she wanted to break by waking up. That's the day she realized she lost her love...

 That's the day she realized she lost her love

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Hey everyone..! How was the prologue..?😋

I have made some changes. Pls read it once again.

Target= 60 votes and 35+ comments 😁😍

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