✦Chapter 2✦

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Another girl came with her purse in her hand. Everyone's smile vanished. She came and sat beside girl. Everyone started eating when A boy of age 17 to 18 came and sat with them jumping wishing everyone. They also wished back.

Boy= Boo..!! Breakfast looks yummy.

looking at his excitement his Mom said chuckling.

Mom= Your favorite breakfast..

Boy started eating. Another girl was burning in jealousy as she never got her favourite breakfast. She threw the fork from her hand and stood up to go.

Dad= Rits Stop ..

Rits= What is it now..?

Dad= You can't go like this. Finish your breakfast.

Rits= Who cares !You both always fulfil their every wish but when it comes to me...It's a big fat No...

Girl 1= It's nothing like that Rits di.

Rits raised her voice.

Rits (yelled)= Don't enterupt in between Avi..I am warning you...

Avu went quite. It was true but then too sometimes silence is the best option to choose.

SA= Rits...Talk with respect.

She said in her most concerned tone. Rits left in anger.

Avu= Mom..You shouldn't have said that.

SA= Avneet stop taking her favour when you know she hates you. Always takingher side will spoil her.

This time Avni went quite because it was no use of interrupting more.

Avu=I should leave or I will be late for boutique.

Avni as a college student was studying private as she is a working woman. It was her passion although her father is one of the businessman but then too job was something which she wanted to experience from a long time. Her parents as supportive parents supported her daughter. She was a important person of boutique who deals costumers very nicely. Everyone loves her company

On Other Hand,

Abhi was reading a file walking from his boss cabin to his cabin when a girl bumped into him. She was about to fall when Abhi catches her from her waist and the papers fell from his hand and started flying in the air. They both had an eye contact. Both were staring into each others eyes. A smile appeared on her face seeing him. He was completely lost in her. She snapped finger in front of him. He came back in his senses. She signed him to leave her. He made her stand. She was continuously smiling.

Girl= Stop staring me like that as if you have seen me first time Mr.Abhishek Sharma.

Abhi= Everytime I see you its like my first time Vaishu...

( So the girl is Vaishu. Many of you I think guessed 😆😉)

Vaishu blushed.

Vaishu= Abhi we are engaged and soon going to be husband wife. Stop behaving like a kid.

Abhi held her hand.

Abhi= For your attention I can also become a baby, Kid is nothing infront of it.

Both again had an eye contact which was disturbed by the yell of PA. He came to them. Both left each others hand and lowered their heads.

PA= You guys can do all this later. First Boss is calling you both in his cabin.

Both nodded. PA left. Both followed him. Soon they reached their boss cabin. Their boss was sitting in anger as they entered his cabin. Both were a little afraid due to his post.

Abhi= Sir....You...You called us.

Boss= Yes...I called you ..I came to know that after 1 week you both are getting married...Is it true ?

Vaishu(a little afraid)= Ye...yes

Boss smiled.

Boss (Happy)= Congratulations then...

Abhinavi looked at each other in confusion.

Abhi= Sir...! You were not angry..?

He asked confirming as the boss was angry first.

Boss= Not at all. I'm so happy for both of you .

Vaishu (smiling)= Thank you Sir...😊

Boss= Don't forget to invite me too...😂😆

Both nodded chuckling and left.

The most funniest chapter written by me

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The most funniest chapter written by me. 😂

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