✦Chapter 63✦

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Reem (looking at him): Then promise me, you will also give a chance to Avneet.

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, she spotted him as a statue. Everything around him froze. It was the weak point that she used. Sidd didn't speak anything as he was also confused. Reem forwarded her hand to shake her hand with him, raising her eyebrow. Abhi's words rang in Sidd's mind.

Abhi: I ain't but convincing you. You know Reem is standing there in terrace as every day. She looks at stars and talks to them. I have seen her crying, watching the stars. She never regretted supporting you, but now she needs you. The way she sacrificed for you, fought for you. It's your turn now. Being alone is the hardest time, and I feel it. I have seen you both fake smiling in front of me and Vaishu when we knew it was fake. Jai isn't a bad guy. He is as innocent as Reemi in all this. Now, you have to stand for them and yourself as well. 5 years are more than enough to punish anyone. I won't let it exceed more. Reem has fulfilled the responsibility of a sister. Now, it is your turn to stand for her. Trust me, just take this one hard step, and then your life will be settled as before. I promise!

Reem snapped her finger, which brought Sidd back to reality. She raised her eyebrow.

Reem (placing her hand in air): Promise me bhai!

Sidd thought before putting his hand over hers as he smiled.

Sidd (smiling): I promise!

Reem (squeezing): Thank you! Thank you so much.

She squeezed, hugging him tightly. Sidd took some seconds before hugging her back.

Sidd (in mind): For you, I have to take this hard step. Don't worry, I will take this hard step for my sissy.

He kissed her hair, wrapping his arms around her while She smiled.


Sidd was standing on his balcony, sipping his coffee, and lost in his own thoughts. Abhi noticed him standing there as he was passing by. He raised his eyebrow and went close to Sidd, who was still busy sipping his coffee. Abhi snapped his finger in front of his brother, dragging him out of his thoughts. Sidd looked at his while Abhi raised his eyebrows.

Abhi: What happened? You seem lost.

Sidd shook his head and kept the cup on the railing of the balcony. Sidd smiled weakly, which was caught by Abhi. Abhi dragged the cup, which Sidd placed on the railing and sipping Sidd's coffee. He closed his eyes as it made him feel energetic for a second while Sidd was watching him only. Abhi placed the coffee back on railing and looked at Sidd while he was already looking at his brother.

Abhi: I know what you are thinking about.

Sidd looked away, not knowing what to say. Abhi held him from his  shoulders, making his brother face him.

Abhi (politely): I know you have talked to Reem.

Sidd: And she is ready to give Jai a chance.

Abhi (cutting him): But her condition is that you should also give a chance to Avneet.

Sidd nodded his head. Abhi looked at the coffee and handed it to Sidd with a smile on his face. Sidd took it from him and sipped his coffee.

Abhi (smiling): I would say to do as Reem says because I also want to see you both happy in your lives. After that, it's your life and your decision.

Abhi exclaimed, ruffling Sidd's hair and left from there. Sidd exhaled sharply, sipping his coffee.


Avneet was sitting in the living room with T.V. on, pretending that she was watching TV whereas she really wasn't watching it but just staring it, lost in her own thoughts. That's when Avneet's mom came there noticing her and sat on the couch beside her. Her mom's eyes went wet seeing her daughter's condition. She started caressing Avneet's hair, dragging her out of her thoughts.

Avu (looking at her, sitting straight): Mom, when did you come here?

Avu's mom: When you didn't notice me.

Avu looked away, tying her hair in a messy bun. She wiped her tears harshly.

Avu: I remembered an important task to do.

She stood up, but her mom held her hand. Avu looked down at her. Avu's mom dragged her arm and made her sit next to her.

Avu's mom (looking into Avneet's eyes): Till when will you punish yourself?

Avu (blankly): Maybe for the whole life.

Avu's mom: Avneet, stop punishing yourself and try to forget it.

Avu (looking at her blankly): You are asking me to forget that I love Siddharth, and because of my sister and my distrust, he had to leave from here. Do you want me to forget the stupid things I did to him, huh?

Avu's mom (cupping her face): It was your mistake.

Avu (tears in her eyes): Mistakes also have punishments, right? That's what I am getting.

Saying this, she stood up and left from there while Avu's mom was staring at the disappearing figure of her daughter.


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