✦Chapter 7✦

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Her eyes went wide as she saw him. Her jaw dropped. She started looking here and there.

Avu= What are you doing here...??

She asked getting annoyed and angry.

Sidd= Its my college So I must be here.

Avu (shocked)=What..!

Sidd= Um....yes

Sidd said being confused. Avu was about to speak when Rits came from behind. Avu's face tensed.

Sidd= Um....Who is she..??

Asked Sidd in disrelief.

Avu (avoiding eye contact)=She is my sister Rits..

Sidd= Oh..! Nice to meet you..

Avu was looking here and there. Sidd was smiling looking at them. Rits was smirking observing everything .

Rits= Seems like you both know each other..

Before Avi could speak Sidd said.

Sidd= Ya we met.....

He was cutt of by Avu.

Avu=Ya we met now only.

Sidd looked at her in confusion and disrelief. Avu glared at him to be quiet. Sidd kept quite. Unfortumately Rits noticed it.

Sidd= I am here if you guys need any help..

Avu nodded and was admiring her surrounding when her eyes caught Jannat waving at her. She got exited and ran to her and both hugged each other tightly. Sidd was looking at them when Rits came near his ear and whispered something.

Rits ( whisper)= You look good.

Sidd= Thanks

He said with a little smile as he was being uncomfortable.

Rits= Maybe one day you could help me.

Sidd (disrelief)= How...?

Rits (whispers)= maybe you can physically or.....

Sidd shocked and Rits left. Sidd was just progressing what she said and what she meant. He heard a call from Faisu. He shook his head and went towards them.

Janneet broke hug.

Jann ( exited )= What a pleasant surprise Avneet..! I am soo happy

Avu= I just wanted to surprise you which I did.

Faisu was looking at them with confusion except Sidd and Reem. Janneet saw them. Jannat giggled looking at them.

Faisu= Wait..! How do you know each other..?

Jann= She is my friend Avneet...Avneet kaur. She also attended Abhi bhai's wedding but I forgot to introduce her to Faisu.

Sidd's Pov

Wow..! Avneet Kaur.. In short Avni. Such a cute and chubby name just like her. Hashhhh Sidd..!! What are you thinking..? But its fact her name is also beautiful like her. The first time I heard her name, it attracted my ears. Avneet. I was smiling to myself when Reem spoke.

Reem= Excuse me..! She is my friend too..

Jannat rolled her eyes.

Jann= Yeah yeah...My and Reem's friend. (to reem) Is it okay now..?

Reem= Much Better.

Wait a minute..! Reem also knows her..Wow ! Its my lautry. Well Done Reem..Soo proud of you.😂😂

Pov ends.

Jann= Well, Avneet when did you join..?

Avu= Actually yaar..I joined 1 year before but I was not regular student. I just wanted to explore myself so took a break from college.

Jann= I'm sooo Happy..

She said jumping and hugging Avu.

Reem= Ahamm..I am also here.

She said pointing her finger to herself. Faisu laughed and received a dead glare from Reem. Sidd also smiled but then lost somewhere.

Avu= Acha meri maa..Come

Saying this she hugged Reem and both started swinging each other in hug. After sometimes they broke hug.

Jann= Um..I forgot to introduce my friends (pointing towards Faisu) He is faisu. my lo...friend and (pointing towards Sidd) and he is Siddharth Reem's brother.

Avu saw Sidd lost somewhere.

Avu= Yeah you introduced him in wedding.

then Bell rang

Faisu= Come Sidd..Let's

All stood up except Sidd. Faisu noticed him.

Faisu= Sidd.

He shook him. He realized the reality.

Faisu= What happened..?

Sidd= N..nothing Let's go.

All left. They all attended lectures but Sidd was a little disturbed. Reem noticed it in lunch break and decides to ask him as they both leave from home.

On other hand,

After home time, everyone went home ehile Rits left somewhere without informing Avneet. Avneet who was waiting for her also surrendered after a long wait and went home. Rits was sitting on bench in front of sea. They were basically on the beach with her boyfriend.

Rits= I don't care about anyone. I just want your presence throughtout my life and for that I can also leave my parents.

Someone came from behind.

Sm1= I know but I don't want to get you like that..

Rits stood up and faced him.

Rits= Then..What will we do Manjul. I really love you yaar. I know my parents...That..

Manjul placed his hand on her cheek cupping her face caressing it.

Manjul= I know Love...Just relax. They will surely accept our relationship.

Rits= And what if they not.

Man= I am there na. I will handle everything.

They both got lost in that moment and that's when they ended up kissing each other feeling that moment.

They both got lost in that moment and that's when they ended up kissing each other feeling that moment

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Okay..! I'm alive 😅

Anyways, How was the chapter..?

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Words= 860

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