✦Chapter 17✦

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On other hand,

Sidd was really disappointed and hurt by Avni's behavior. He just informed Reem in college and left for home.

He paced till his washroom splashing water on his face for several times. He finally closed the tap. He took deep breaths to calm himself. He raised his gaze and looked in front to see himself only water dipping from his hair, chin and eyelids.

Just then Vaish came in his room seeing him rushing to his room. She was worried and shocked to see him home at this time. She paced till bathroom's entrance. She looked at him and his eyes were red due to crying. She got more worried and placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her as he felt her hand.

Vaish= What happened Sidd ? Are you alright ? Why you came so early today ?

Sidd relaxing himself dried his face with the towel coming out of bathroom. He forced a smile.

Sidd= I am fine bhabhi don't worry.

Vaish went till him and sat beside him as he sat on bed passing her. She cupped his face to make him look at her which he wasn't looking.

Vaishu= Sidd I am not only your sister-in-law but sister and best friend too. I always treated you as my brother since my and Abhi's relationship started and you know its from 4 years. You were not even matured that time I know you since then. Now tell me what happened ?

Sidd looked at her and then took her hand kissing it softly but passionately

Sidd (forced smile)= I never hide anything from you and I would never. Its just I wasn't feeling well that's why I came home early.

Vaish nodded smiling but she herself wasn't satisfied but decided to give him space. She kept the room caressing his cheek while he just blinked his eyes several times trying not to cry.

In night,

After dinner everyone went in their rooms to sleep. Vaish was sitting on bed with support of head board concerned, tensed thinking about what happened to Sidd suddenly as he also didn't ate well. She was lost in her thoughts when Abhi sat on bed beside her and took her hand in his dragging her out of her thoughts.

Abhi (looking at her)= What happened Vaish ? Why are you looking worried ?

Vaish sat straight.

Vaish= Abhi actually today Sidd came early from college and I saw his eyes red. From that time he is seeming lost. He even didn't ate well.

Abhi stared the bed sheet progressing every thing.

Abhi= Maybe he is worried about something.

Vaish= That's what I wanna know what's the reason that he is worried.

Abhi= Give him time. If he really wanna share he would.

Vaish just nodded not knowing what to say. Abhi cupped her face smiling at her.

Abhi= Don't be worried. He will be fine.

Vaish (smile)= Hope so..!

They both smiled at each other and drafted to sleep cuddling each other.

Next day,

At Nandra's home,

       Everyone was sitting on dining table eating breakfast when Avu's dad spoke.

AD= I forgot to tell Sonia, tomorrow we have to attend an event of my friend.

Sonia aunty looked at him.

Sonia= Which event are you talking about ? You haven't informed me.

AD= Ah actually I totally forgot yesterday my colleague invited me. Forgot to told you because you were in kitchen at that time.

Sonia= oh ok. Rits and Avni you both will be at home with Jai.

Jai (munching food)= But mom I wanna go. Dad's colleague's son is my friend. I have friendship I also wanna go please.

He said pleading making faces. Sonia aunty with Avni chuckled.

AD= No need you will be at home.

Jai (cutts him)= but dad....

Sonia (cutt him)= Aman let him go. What's the big deal..? Avni and Rits will also go then.

Rits= No mom I am not well. I won't be able to come.

Sonia opened her mouth to speak but Rits immediately spoke.

Rits= Mom please don't insist me. I won't  be energetic there. Please.

Sonia aunty smiled nodding her head in yes. Avni was noticing the difference of her behaviour and to be honest it was also very surprising for her. She couldn't believe that the sister who never treated her well was this much sweet today.

Somewhere she was doubting her too but truth couldn't get hidden for a long time.

Somewhere she was doubting her too but truth couldn't get hidden for a long time

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Updated because I was happy. Now I will sleep peacefully 😏

How was the chappy?

When do you guys want your next update ?

A big twist on its way 🗡👹


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