✦Chapter 21✦

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The scene in front of Avni shocks her to the core. There stood Ritika with messed up hair, makeup all over her mouth and red eyes with torn sleeves. She started crying violently shaking. Avni was just so stunned to say anything. Rits hugged Avni tightly. Avu didn't knew what to do. Whether hug her and console or ask her. She choose 1st as it was really needed now. She embraced Rits and Rits had a smirk on her face as she felt Avni's arms around her.

Avu= di, are you alright ?

Rits broke the hug looking down crying continuously.

Avu= atleast tell what happened ?

Rits dragged Avni inside crying.

Rits (lying)= L-Last night when no one was at home.... some ..someone came in my room secretly and...a-and he raped me.

Avni's eyes widen in shock.

Avu (in shock)= H-He raped you ?

Rits nodded still crying.

Avu (in shock)= How is it possible ?W-Who was he ?

As soon as she asked her Rits went in deep thoughts.

Rits pov

       I don't think it's safe to tell her now. If I told her now I could lose a chance to blackmail Siddharth and take him in my control. No Rits it's not the right time.

Pov ends.

Avni shook her.

Avu= di speak now.

Rits (wiping her tears)= I-I saw his face but.....but I am not able to remember his face.

Avu= it's ok, let's go downstairs. Do you want to tell it to mom and dad?

Rits nodded in no.

Avu= But I think they should know so that they can find him. Also don't worry, we all are with you.

Rits (crying)= No Avni please,

There came a voice from bathroom and Rits face went pale. She hide her whole plan. Avneet looked at door then her in confusion. She wondered if her sister is in front of her then who is in the washroom.

Avu= di, did you heard that noise from washroom ?

Rits (confident enough, stammering)= No Avni, which voise are you talking about ?

Avu didn't knew what to say and turned to open the door of bathroom. Rits galpsed in fear.

Inside as soon as Sidd heard the footsteps he slide behind door hiding there. His hands were shivering as the footsteps were coming closer. That's when the door opened while Sidd shut his eyes panting heavily till now.

The door closed and it was the first time Sidd panicked this much that he had a panick attack for the first time. He took deep breaths calming himself keeping his hand on his heart.

Avu again went to Rits to find Rits a little relax. But Avneet's doubt wasn't clear till now.

Rits= What happened ? Was there someone ?

Avu (doubtful)= no maybe, I was the one mistaken.

She struggled her thoughts off.

Avu=di, I advise you not to tell anyone about it and come downstairs for breakfast.

Rits nodded helplessly as Avni left her room she exhaled a deep breath smirking.

There some tears leaked Sidd's eyes and his knees went weak all of a sudden but he didn't lost courage and walked out of washroom as Rits shut the door. Sidd was continuously looking down as tears were making their way.

Rits= what have you thought next ? Sit and decide.

Sidd sat with his head down while Rits sat beside him smirking through fake tears.

Sidd=Did I really did what you said before..?

he said blankly and some tears escaped his eye.

Rits (faking crying)=You think I am lying. You...you...I..I lost my respect, my virgin everything and you...you are the criminal, bloody bastard. I will report FIR against you..

She said highlighting and stressing each and every word with her fake tears and arrogance.

Sidd=How can I...??

he stopped as he couldn't even image of it, searching for words when a lump formed in his throat.

Rits= Now you have to accept me or else you will face the consequences.

Sidd looked at her in shock unable to believe.

Sidd= I...I love someone else..

Confessed Sidd in an inaudible voice.

Rits= Then I will tell her everything...

This shocked him more. Rits smirked internally taking advantage of his helplessness.


A scene from prologue in this chapter

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A scene from prologue in this chapter. Noticed ?


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