✦Chapter 30✦

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But before she could look in front for the car, she was pushed by a muscular arm resulting in falling both of them and Avneet's head hit the footpath which resulted in losing her senses while Siddharth's elbow got injured but he was in his senses. He opened his eyes to see Avneet in his arms, he realized everyone gathering around them. A man from crowd gestured and handed his arm to support Sidd and Sidd accepted it thankfully hissing a little in pain.

One of the man from crowd said.

Someone: It's great will you saved her, do you know her?

Sidd (seeing his wound)= yeah, she is my friend. Thank you so much for help. I'll just take her to hospital.

Someone: are you sure? If you want car we can drop you as the girl's head is bleeding.

Siddharth also noticed the blood and panicked all of a sudden.

Sidd= I will be grateful to you, thank you so much.

Siddharth picked Avneet in bridal style and tears dried on her cheeks.

Sidd placed Avneet inside the car and sat beside her and the owner of car dropped them hospital.

At noon,
In hospital,

Sidd was standing outside emergency ward with his elbow bandaged rubbing his temples trying to think something positive. He placed his head against the wall standing as a statue.

Sidd's pov,

I never thought to hurt you like that Avneet but how should I tell you that your sister......

Whom should I ask what is true and what's not? I never thought she is so clever and evil that she can ever stage everything so easily. I also don't know the exact truth,

God, please help me getting out if this situation please.

Pov ends

A lone tear fell from his eye thinking about everything what Rits said.

Just then the doctor came out and Sidd got attentive seeing the female doctor.

Sidd (worried)= How is she now?

Doctor= she is good and thanks to god the wound wasn't that deep and it didn't cause any internal injury.

Sidd= Thank god,

The doctor handed him Avneet's phone.

Doctor= here is patient's phone which was ringing from a long time and yeah you can take her home as soon as she gots her conscious back and her drip ends.

Sidd= Thank you doctor.

Sidd took the phone from doctor and that's when it started ringing, he saw the caller id and it was Jai. He received the call but didn't spoke anything.

On call,

Jai= Thanks to you di, atleast you picked the call. It's noon and you haven't returned from college. Where are you? Mom is worried for you.

Sidd= Jai, it's me Siddharth.

As soon as Sidd exclaimed, Jai went to a distance from his mom and Rits who were sitting on couch.

Jai= Sidd bhaiya, your talking from di's phone, is everything fine?

Sidd= yeah everything is alright. Actually, Avneet got into a small accident.

Jai (whispering)= what?

Sidd= but don't worry, she didn't got any severe injury. Doctor just want to inform her guidance about medication and all. Can you come to hospital now?

Jai= yeah, I'm just coming.

He was about to cut the call when he heard Sidd calling his name on other side of phone.

Jai= yes bhai.

Sidd (hesitated)= Um.... kia tum meri help kar sakte ho?

Jai= haan bhai, kaun nahi? Batain na?
(Yes bhai, why not? Tell na?)

Sidd= my phone's battery is dead and before it got off I saw Reem calling me but as soon as I picked the call my phone got switched off? Can you just inform at my home about all this?

Jai= Ya bhai, you saved my sister today. Atleast, I can do this much for you.

Sidd= Note phone number in case you can't contact her you can contact my Bhabhi.

Sidd shareda Reem's and Vaish's  phone number.

Jai= alright bhai, I will just give a call before coming to hospital.

Sidd shook his head.

Sidd= Thank you so much.

Jai= It's ok bhai. Afterall, if humans don't help each other in hard time who it can be then?

Sidd smiled and dropped the call. A tear escaped from his eye thinking about Rits trap which he realized now.

 A tear escaped from his eye thinking about Rits trap which he realized now

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After long, I know

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