✦Chapter 14✦

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There Rits was pucking in the bathroom sink. On dining table as she left, Sonia aunty signed Avni to go and see her. She nodded and left to see Rits. As soon as she reached bathroom she saw her pucking. She got worried

Avu (worried)= Heyy, Rits you are vomiting. I guess you have food poisoning.

Rits washed her face and faced her. Her face was soft for the very first time with his sister.

Rits= No need to worry. I will visit doctor tomorrow.

Avu= Are you sure you don't need my help..?

Rits nodded. Avu smiled and was about to go when Rits stopped her by calling her.

Rits= Hey, Avneet will you do a favour.

She said capturing Avni's hands in hers which left her stunned. Rits who never talked to her nicely is now requesting her. It was unbelieveable for us. She smiled as she thought her sister has changed.

Avu= Sure say it di.

Rits (pleading voice)= please don't tell mom about it. She would be worried. Once a visit doctor I will tell her myself.

Avu (smiles)= No worries. I won't tell her anything. Come let's go to dinner now.

Rits (fake smile)=You go I am coming washing my hands.

Avu nodded and left. Rits slide against slab on bathroom and that's when she got lost in her thoughts.

Rits pov

This isn't normal. It never happened with me before. It's surely something else. I have to confirm it tomorrow and if its really what I am thinking then I should surely tell Manjul before something worse happens.

Pov ends.

The next morning.

       After breakfast, Rits left for hospital informing Sonia aunty.

She was sitting in front of doctor who was busy flipping the papers checking the reports. Rits eyes were on her only. She was getting curious the every passing second. Finally the doctor kept the file ahead and here Rits patience also ended. The doctor had a smile on her face.

Rits (worried)= What happened Doctor..? Is it something serious ?

Doctor= Congratulations Miss Ritika you're pregnant.

Here Rits eyes widen in shock and only one word escaped her mouth.

Rits (shocked)= WHAT !!?

Doctor= yes everything is normal. You just have to take care of yourself and here are some medicines if you feel weakness.

Said Doctor writing the medicines with quantity while Rits was unable to digest anything. She couldn't  believe in her wildest dream. It wasn't first time she made out with Manjul but it never happened and now. Only one thing was in her mind "What will she do now..?"

She nodded leaving the room walking through the corridoor. She decided not to tell anything to anyone now like this. She firstly decided to tell Manjul about it.

She was just walking when she stepped out of hospital waiting for cab. That's when a lean tear escaped her eye which she immediately wiped trying not to be weak as the cab came. She sat in cab and left for home. Whole way she was calling Manjul but he wasn't picking the call.

She reached home and was directly going in her room when her mother who just heard the door thud came out of kitchen to see Ritika going upstairs. She called up.

Sonia= Rits.

Rits faced her. Sonia aunty came near her.

Sonia= you visited doctor. What she said ?

Rits (smiling forcefully)= its just food poisoning. She gave medicines. It's normal.

Sonia aunty smiled seeing it. She patted her cheek gently.

Sonia= yesterday the way you talked to Avni made me realize that there is a polite soul inside you.

Rits just smiled and left for her room.

There she sat thinking about what to do. She tried calling Manjul but he was continuously declining the call. She stormed her hand on bed in frustration. That's when a message popped on her phone.

"Love I will be a little busy for some months. Mom got to know about our relationship and she isn't accepting it. But don't worry, I am with you and will always. Just give me sometime and take care.

~Your Lover ❤🌷"

She texted him again but he went offline. She didn't knew what to do know.

II know this one was boring, but you have to bear some boring chapters for the big storm

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II know this one was boring, but you have to bear some boring chapters for the big storm.

This chapter is a small gift from my side. 🎁

Thank you for all the wishes.🌷❤


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