✦Chapter 66✦

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Sidd (counting his rupees): Reemi! These are 10 doughnuts, and it should be 10 only the next time I see. I don't want you to eat it every time.....

He stopped as he looked up, and what he saw in front of him astonished him to the core. His hazel orbs are wide open due to shock while the rupees fell from his hand.

There Reem and Jai were looking at each other like there is no tomorrow. They didn't know that destiny wanted them to meet so quickly when they actually weren't ready for it. Reem still couldn't believe that it was Jai standing in front of her. She stepped a little forward and touched his shirt to confirm whether it was her hallucination or reality, but she cried, realizing that it was reality. He was standing in front of her. Just one word escaped her lips.

Reem (mumbling): Jai!

Jai (in shock): Reemi!

There a lot of people passed Sidd and Avneet standing over there, but they felt like time stopped. The ones who were disparate to meet each other didn't know they could meet so soon, and now they didn't have any word to exchange. They both weren't believing their eyes seeing each other. Avu forwarded her hand towards Sidd and gently cupped his face with one hand. Sidd's breath hitched as her skin touched him while Avu didn't know when her cheeks were wet by tears. She didn't know that she was crying in happiness.

Avu (mumbling): Is it really you? Am I not dreaming, right?

Sidd (in shock): I wish this could be a dream.

Avu's smile grew with tears, and she hugged him all of a sudden, keeping her head on her shoulder while he was still in shock. Avu started sobbing harder and harder by each passing time. Sidd, who froze there as she hugged him, slowly started embracing her. She broke the hug all of a sudden and looked around for Jai. She raised her arm and called Jai as she spotted him standing with Reem. Jai, who saw her, came near her with Reem following him. Jai held his sister's arm as she stumbled, but she cared less.

Avu (in happiness, crying, shaking him): Jai, look Siddharth has come to meet me. He is here.

Jai looked beside her to see Sidd standing there only like a statue while Reem was also a statue till now. Avu again paced near Sidd and held his hand. She suddenly started feeling dizzy. Sidd, who was already looking at her, examined her and held her by her waist as she fainted and was about to fall down. Jai, who watched her sister faint in Sidd's arms, started patting her cheeks.

Jai (panicked): Di, Wake up!

Sidd (in rush): Jai, call ambulance.

Jai nodded and dialled the ambulance as he dragged his phone out of his pocket. Reem was there looking at everything still. She wanted to meet her love, but she didn't have any other plans after that. She didn't think about what would happen after they met up and also how she handled the situation.


Sidd and Reem were sitting on the hospital benches while Jai was there completing the facilities. They were equally tensed by all this. Sidd leaned back, rubbing his forehead. Reem, who looked at her brother, kept her hand on his shoulder.

Reem (politely): Bhaiya...! Are you ok?

Sidd (rubbing his forehead): I don't know. I have no idea what will happen now.

Reem: Why do you take tension bhaiya? Everything will be fine.

Sidd (holding her hand): I don't have the courage. I-I can't face Avu and  everyone again. Please!

Reem (caressing his arm): Bhaiya, you never did anything wrong then why are you fearing to face people.

Sidd (tensed): I know Avu will ask me to give her one chance.

Reem (smiling): So, give it.

Sidd (watery eyes): I don't know why but I fear doing it.

Reem (facing him, holding his hands): tell me one thing honestly.

Sidd looked at her tensed and nodded after a minute.

Reem: Do you still love her?

Sidd nodded without any other thought.

Reem: then trust your love. It will heal everything. See, I am also gonna talk to Jai and sort things out so do you.

Sidd thought for a second.

Sidd: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Reem nodded her head smiling. That's when, Jai came there with some a file in his hand. Sidd spoke before looking at Reem.

Sidd (nervous): What happened to her, Jai?

Jai, who was standing there didn't spoke a word and made Sidd stand on his feet and hugged him tightly. Reem smiled through tears. Sidd was astonished but was disgesting everything when he heard Jai crying on his shoulder.

Sidd (patting his back): Jai!

Jai (crying): Please Bhai, please, it's only you who can cure my di. It's only you who can make her normal like before. Please! She has missed you a lot. She just needs you not any medicine. Please, become her medicine and heal her. She is depressed.

Sidd pressed his lips, calming himself down while rubbing Jai's back whereas Reem was looking at the scene with tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped her tears as they broke the hug.

Sidd (holding Jai's hands): I promise, I will try my best but what did the doctor said now?

Jai (looking down at their hands): She haven't ate anything since 3 days and even haven't slept properly. It was all because of weakness.

Sidd nodded.

Jai (looking at Jai): Promise me that you will talk to her and sort things out please! I know she was at fault, she wasn't right at her place but please give her one chance. Please!

Sidd forced a smile and patted his back.

Sidd: Don't worry! I will handle her.

Jai smiled, wiping his tears and her eyes caught Reem standing there. He composed himself before speaking.

Jai: Can I take Reem with me for some minutes?

Reem looked up at him in shock as she didn't expected anything like that till now. Sidd glanced at Reem before again looking at Jai. Jai understood his insecurity.

Jai: Don't worry! You can trust me. I really love her and want to have sometime alone.

Sidd (smiling): Sure!

Jai: Can you please sit in di's room?

Sidd nodded and signed Reem to go with Jai. She nodded in response. Jai gestured her to move first. Reem started walking while Jai followed her. Sidd exhaled a sharp breath as he glanced her room.


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