✦Chapter 57✦

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Avneet, along with Jai, reached the hospital to find everyone sitting outside Ritika's room. She immediately went to her parents and sat between them. She placed her hands on their hands and looked at them with worry. Jai sat beside her mother, consoling her.

Avu (concerned): At least tell me what happened?

Avu's dad (hiding his tears): Ritika lost her baby.

Avu looked down, closing her eyes. She opened her eyes, looking away. The doctor came out. Manjul stood up and went near the doctor.

Manjul (tears in his eyes): Doctor, can I meet her?

Doctor: Sure!

The doctor left from there. Manjul ran inside to see Rits laying on the bed, expressionless staring at the ceiling. No tears, nothing but just sadness and loneliness. Manjul sent near her, and his heart ached seeing her like that. No matter how much she does wrong, he still loves her. He started caressing her hair.

Manjul: Ritu, are you fine?

Ritika looked at him with no expressions on her face.

Rits (expressionless): Can you do one thing for me?

Manjul (caressing her hair, confusingly): What?

Rits (tears in her eyes): Can you call Avneet, please?

Manjul nodded his head and went out, leaving her hand. He came out to see Avneet and her family still sitting there. Everyone looked at him as he paced closer to them.

Manjul (looking away, not able to face her): Rits wants to meet you. If you don't mind, can you please meet her?

Avu looked at him and then at her mother. Her mother nodded her head. She stood up before thinking and went inside the room to see Ritika laying on the bed, wiping her tears. Avneet went near her with a stern face.

Avu (stern voice): Why did you call me?

She said, looking away. Rits closed her eyes as her stern voice hurt her. The voice, which never used to be harsh, is now harsh. She opened her eyes and joined her hands in front of Avneet. She saw it but looked away, wondering if it was her new drama.

Rits (cracky voice): I-I know I did wrong with you, but I promise I want to mend it.

Avu (looking away, stern voice):  Nothing can be changed now. Everything is over.

Rits (cracky voice while crying): No, nothing is over. I-I can still mend my mistake.

Avu (looking at her, stern voice): Oh really? And how can you do that? Huh?!

Rits (thinking for a while, cracky voice): I want you to call media. I-I will tell everyone that it was me who did all this. I-I will show them the DNA reports of the baby. I promise I will mend everything.

Avu (rolling her eyes): as if everyone will believe you.

Rits (cracky voice): They will, for sure.

Rits held Avneet's hands while she looked at her.

Rits (tears flowing from her eyes): I am sorry for everything. Just do this for me. I-I created all this mess, and today, I will only clear this mess.

Avu looked at her and nodded at her.

Avu (testing her): When should I call the media?

Rits (thinking for a while): Now only!

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