✦Chapter 56✦

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At Nigam's home,

The doorbell rang. Abhi went and opened the door to see Avneet and Jai standing there. He frowned. Avu looked at him. Seeing her, it was clear that she was nervous.

Avu (nervous): Good evening, Bhai!

Abhi: Good evening! Come inside.

Avu nodded, glancing at Jai, and both went inside to see Reem and Vaishu sitting in the small lawn outside their home. As it was cold and pleasant weather, cold breeze were passing them, making their hair fly in air. Reem and Vaishu looked up to see them standing there. Vaishu was sipping her coffee with Abhi while Reem was reading a book. Abhi came front behind.

Abhi (sitting behind): Come! Have a seat.

Avu: No, Bhai. Actually, I wanted to meet Siddharth. Can I?

Reem (stern voice while eyes on book): He is sleeping. The doctor said not to disturb him.

Avu looked down while Abhi signed, shaking his head.

Abhi: You can meet him, but try not to talk anything depressing.

Avu nodded and left signing Jai. Vaishu also signed Abhi while Abhi nodded.

Vaishu: Umm, Reemi, you are sitting here or coming with us inside?

Reem: No, bhabhi, I want some time alone.

Vaishu nodded. Abhi and Vaishu also went inside, leaving Jai and Reem. Jai stepped a little forward.

Jai (hesitated): Reemi!

Reem (with dangerous voice and eyes on book): My name is Reem.

Jai: Look, I wanted to talk to you.

Reem (standing up): But I don't want to.

She turned to leave but Jai held her wrist which made her more angry.

Reem (dangerous voice): Leave my hand.

Jai (cracky voice): Reemi, please! Don't ignore me like this. I-I know Rits did wrong, but what is my fault? I genuinely love you, yaar.

Reem froze at sudden confession but then faced him, composing herself.

Reem: What was my brother's fault then? He also didn't do anything. My brother also fell in love with your sister. (Cracky voice) when their love isn't successful. How will it be ours?

Jai was looking at her blankly. Reem paced close to him, decreasing the distance between them.

Reem (tears leaking her eyes): A wall is built between my two brothers, whom I loved most after my parents. How am I supposed to live happy with you when my brother isn't happy with your sister? I-I can't leave him alone.

Reem (turning and now her back facing Jai, wiping her tears): I'm sorry, I also had feelings for you but after all this there are many gaps between these 2 families and I can't be the reason of more gaps. I'm sorry!

Saying this, she walked inside, leaving Jai in a storm of thoughts. It was true that Jai wasn't at fault nor Reem was, but sometimes one clash is enough for two hearts to apart from each other.


Avneet knocked Siddharth's door, but no one responded. It was confirmed that he was sleeping. She slowly opened the door, and her eyes fell on Siddharth, who was sleeping on his bed. Her eyes teared up again, seeing him. She closed the door behind her and started walking towards him. She sat on her knees in front of him on the floor while he was sleeping on the bed. A smile came on her face, seeing him sleeping so peacefully. She didn't know when her hand went to his forehead and she started caressing his forehead and hair.

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