✦Chapter 67✦

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Sidd was sleeping on the couch in laying position as he was exhausted due to long flight and lack of sleep. He was in Avneet's hospital room while Jai and Reem hadn't returned till now. Avneet was sleeping on her bed while Sidd was sleeping beside her on the couch. That's when a cold freeze hit the window, and it made a sound. Due to that noise, Avneet stirred in her sleep and started opening her eyes. She was looking up at the ceiling to clear her view. Rubbing her eyes, she looked at her left side to see Siddharth sleeping there. She slowly sat down, trying her best not to make any noise. She smiled, seeing Sidd sleeping there so peacefully but didn't wake him up. She hugged her knees and kept looking at him till the time something didn't strike her mind. What will be his reaction when he wakes up and sees her? Will he leave her again? Fear clouded her. That's when she noticed him stirring in his sleep. She sat straight as Sidd opened his eyes. She looked down, not knowing what to do now. Sidd opened his eyes to realize that Avneet was already awake. He sat straight with jerk, holding her hands.

Sidd (worried): Are you okay?

Avu just nodded, looking down in guilt.

Sidd: Let me call the doctor.

He stood up, but Avneet stopped him by holding his hand.

Avu (with tears in her eyes): No, please. I am fine. Don't go anywhere, please.

Sidd didn't say anything and just sat there silently on the couch. Avu wiped her tears while both didn't speak a word. After an awkward silence, finally, Avneet broke the silence.

Avu (looking down): I am sorry.

Sidd (looking at her): For what?

Avu (holding his hand, looking down): For everything I did with you.

Sidd exhaled sharply.

Sidd (looking away): I have forgotten everything.

Avu looked up at him to see him looking away.

Avu: No, you haven't. That's why you are not looking at me.

Sidd (looking down): It's nothing like that.

Avu (crying silently): I know I made a mistake. I shouldn't have done that, but please forgive me. I love you Siddharth despite that, I didn't trust you that time, but I have learnt my lesson. I know how it feels when no one believes you or feels you. I am guilty for whatever I did in the past. I wouldn't have done that. I can't afford to leave you once again, please. Give me 1 chance, just a chance. I promise I won't disappoint you. Please!

Sidd looked up at her while she was already looking at him with tears falling from her eyes. Sidd wiped off the tear with his thumb and smiled.

Sidd (gripping her hand): I have forgotten whatever happened those days. I don't want to remember them too. You have realized your mistake, and that's enough for me.

Avu (cupping her face with his hand, cracky voice): You love me now also?

Sidd nodded, blinking his eyes, which made her tear fall again in guilt.

Sidd: Hey, please don't cry again!

Avu (wiping her tears): I'm sorry. Thank you!

Sidd (confused): For what?

Avu: For always loving me like this, for always being loyal and honest to me even when I wasn't.

Sidd smiled, kissing her forehead while she quickly hugged him, keeping her head on his shoulder.

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