✦Chapter 58✦

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Reem (caressing his hands): Alright then, you can tell me whenever you feel uncomfortable.

Sidd nodded his head, asking her to continue.

Reem (caressing his hands): What have you thought about Avneet?

Sidd froze upon hearing Avu's name. He started leaning down, losing his grip on Reem's hands, but she held his hands quickly before he would back off. Some decisions are difficult to make, and it is one of them only. Reem's face tensed as Sidd didn't respond but froze at the spot.

Reem (louder, shaking him): What happened, bhaiya?

Sidd looked at her, coming out of his thoughts. He looked away.

Sidd (in confusion): I-I don't know. Whatever happened after that, I don't need anyone except you and Vaishu bhabhi.

Reem (squeezing his hands): Bhaiya, now or later you have to take any step otherwise Avu would often come here and disturb you like this, proving her love which I doubt she has or not.

Sidd looked at her, raising his eyebrow.

Sidd (thinking for a while): You are right. I need to think about it, but right now, I need some time, please. I-I can't make decisions in my life in such a hurry. I will think about myself now.

Reem smiled, hearing his words.

Reem (lovingly): You would find me in every phase of your life.

Sidd smiled at her. Reem wrapped her arms around his torso, keeping her hand on his shoulder while he was caressing her arm. That's when something hit him.

Sidd (getting serious): Reemi, if I ask you to do something. Will you do it for me?

Reem nodded, still hugging him.

Sidd (keeping his chin on her head): Reemi, I want you to give a chance to Jai.

Reem's smile vanished, and she broke the hug, looking at him in shock.

Reem (shock): Bhaiya..!!

Sidd sat straight, capturing her hands in his.

Sidd (politely advising like a big brother): I know Reemi, whatever happened with me wasn't right, and most importantly, it was done by Rits. What is Jai's fault in all this? He is innocent, and he has zero ideas about everything.

Reem (with tears in her eyes): Isn't it enough that he is Rits' brother?

Sidd: He isn't. You yourself told me that Rits is adopted, then how come he is her brother?

Reem (looking away with anger in her voice): Whatever it is, for me, it is enough that Rits trapped you, and she has a link with him. She belongs to his home only, and I can not build a palace of my happiness on my brother's humiliation and his grave of love.

Saying this, she left there, leaving Sidd, who was about to speak but stopped as he saw her going out. He closed his eyes, exhaling sharply as a tear fell from his left eye.


Rits was standing out of the hospital in front of the media while some reporters asked her questions. No one from Nandras was present in front of the media except Avneet, who was standing far away from media, seeing her so-called adopted sister spitting the truth. Avneet was looking at her sister with disgust in her eyes. That's when she heard a reporter asking Rits.

Reporter: Ma'am! Why haven't you taken any action against Mr. Siddharth, when he is rapist and you have also lost your child, then why did you withdraw the case?

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