✦Chapter 51✦

576 71 38

Goals weren't completed but then too updating it.


Sidd nodded, and Reem left from there, glancing Vaishu, who nodded her head.

Vaishu turned to Sidd and held the bowl in her hand.

Vaishu (forwarding the spoon): Now you have to finish it properly.

Vaishu forwarded the spoon while he opened his mouth and ate it. Vaishu was dissolving the soup when suddenly Sidd asked.

Sidd (worried): Di!

Vaishu (dissolving the soup and adding salt): Hmm...

Sidd (looking at her): A-Am I doing right?

Vaishu's hands stopped automatically. She looked at him blankly. Sidd held her hand tightly.

Sidd (crying voice, squeezing her hands): Di, I-I feel like I-I shouldn't have t-talked to d-dada and Avu l-like this but I don't know w-what happened t-to me, sudden anger t-took over me and I-I didn't even realize what I w-was saying.

Vaishu squeezed his hand.

Vaishu: Sidd, relax! Calm down, and it's nothing like that. It's just a natural reaction that you have given. Give some time to everything. Everything will be fine. Now, have the soup.

She said, forwarding the spoon, and he ate it. She looked at Sidd with tensed expression while feeding him. She got a mother feeling as a mother feeds her child when he is sick. She smiled at her thought.


Reem came out of the hospital room to see Abhi and Avu sitting there tensed.

Reem: Avneet you should go home. Your mom must be waiting for you.

Avu stood up, still looking down.

Avu (cracky guilty voice): If you don't mind, can my parents visit the hospital to meet Siddharth? They wanted to apologize and take the case back.

Reem (sarcastic tone): Now, apologies don't matter, Avneet. Everything written in our fate is done only.

Avu (looking up at her): Please don't object. M-My parents really want to come and do everything possible which they did wrong as its replacement.

Reem thought for a second.

Reem: Ok, but for now, please go home. You seem tired and you need rest.

Avu (wiping her tears): T-Thank you so much.

She turned away and left there with a little hope in her. Reem looked at Abhi, who was sitting on the seat expressionless. She exhaled and sat beside him.

Reem: Bhai, nothing can be reversed in a snap of time.....

Reem: Bhaiya is already not well. Give him some time. If you are really guilty of your mistake....

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