✦Chapter 19✦

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Avu looked away taking her hands from her grip. She didn't looked at him.

Avu (looking away)= It's nothing like that.

Jai (raising his eyebrows)= oh really. Then when will you lie from yourself...?

Avu stood up acting as being angry and walked away from bed where Jai was sitting.

Avu= Jai, when I said it's nothing like that then it's nothing. I don't have any feelings for Sidd. You are mistaken.

Jai signed in disrelief and walked till her. He held her shoulders from back while she was just standing folding her hands. He started caressing her arms.

Jai (calming voice)= di, you are destroying your life because of Rit's di. You know that she never want to see you happy and she can do anything to disheart you from Sidd bhaiya or disheart him to you. Think wisely di and don't punish yourself or him. He truely loves you and I have seen it in his eyes.

Saying this he left from there pushing Avneet in a forest of deep thoughts. His every word was repeating in her mind like a storm. She didn't knew when tears snivel making her weak. She also knew everything but she didn't had any other option.

After thinking a lot, she finally decided to start getting closer to Sidd but she was still not sure with her decision.

Next day,

At noon,

After college, Sidd with Reem left for his home. He was eating sitting with Reem laughing on lame jokes thrown by Vaish and they themselves. They were sitting when Sidd got a notification on his phone.

He glanced at the screen to find the first, very first message from Avneet. He got so exited. He excused himself and pacing till his lawn he called Avneet but she didn't picked up. He just found a message on his whatsapp.

"Hi Siddharth, I hope you are fine. I want to talk to you. Can you come to my home tonight at 8° clock..? See ya then." 

Seeing the message a smile came on his charming face. He just sent "will be there." and again went to eat in excitement.

At night,

          Everyone was in living room when sitting watching TV with each other when suddenly Sidd noticed the time and it was 8:30. He bit his lip and quitely entered his room. He opened his wardrobe and started selecting his shirt

Sidd= I'm already late, Avni must be waiting for me.

He wore this red shirt and came outside when Abhi noticed him and stopped him.

Abhi= Sidd where are you going ?

Sidd turned to him nervously.

Sidd= Ah...Bhai, My friend Bhavesh threw a party today and invited me too. Can I go ?

Abhi glanced at clock hanging on the wall.

Abhi (confused)= At this time ?

Sidd (lied)= no bhai, the time was 7 but I am late. I totally forgot about it.

Reem stood up and held his arm.

Reem (pouting)= I also wanna go please

Sidd (chuckled)= My cutie, he doesn't have any sister or else I would surely allow you to go with me.

Reem (sad)= oh ok.

Sidd side hugged her.

Sidd= Don't worry we will go outing soon.

Reem (smiling)= sure, enjoy bhai.

Sidd kissed her hair and looked at Abhi who was watching him only.

Abhi being the eldest of all never liked anyone going out of home after 8 or 9 as it is night and anything would happen. He always becomes over protective regarding them. He didn't wanted Sidd to go but Sidd was being stubborn to go. Abhi didn't wanted but allowed him to go as it was first time and he was insisting a lot.

Sidd (pleading)= Bhai please

Abhi (smiling)= ok come home early.

Sidd nodded smiling. He left for Avni's home unaware that this storm will slip his world upside down.


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