✦Chapter 20✦

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Next Morning,

At Nandra's mansion,

As morning rays stroke inside Rits room falling on Sidd's face he slowly started waking up.

His head was heavy while his eyelids weren't allowing him to open his eyes. He took a turn on bed trying to open his eyes not trying but struggling.

Once he opened his eyes he looked at the surrounding, unable to recognize the room. He heard noises of someone crying and also heard voises of sniffing with many other voices mixed. He held his head remembering whatever happened and that's when his mind worked and he remembered he was in Ritika's room. He jerked standing from the bed as he saw his shirt's first 3 buttons opened and that's when his eyes fell on Rits sitting in corner of room hugging her knees. He turned to see her crying and hiccuping.

He wondered what has happened to her and that's when something stroke his mind. "What am I doing here ?" wondering he took steps towards and he was now a bit far from her but could define her clothes.  He slowly went near her and bent to her height.

Sidd (stammering)= Hey R-Rits....

Rits acted as scared and looked up at him she shouted.

Rits (yelling)= Why did you do this with me...? What wrong I did with you ? Huh ?

Sidd was confused, unable to progress everything as he didn't remember anything. Rits stood up crying violently sitting on bed with a thud keeping her hand on her mouth. Sidd don't knew what to do now. He till now couldn't figure out what he was doing in her home ? THAT TOO IN HER HOME..?

Sidd sat beside her as she was continuously crtying. His trembling hands wanted to get placed on her shoulder to help her but somewhere he was scared.

Sidd (stammering)= Atleast tell me what happened ? Maybe I can h-help you ?

Sidd asked wondering whatever he is thinking must be wrong, that's when Rits bursted.

Rits= You bloody animal, are you even human ? Y-You got raped me a-and you are offering me your help.

Sidd's world spilled upside down hearing it. He couldn't believe. He wasn't ready to accept it.

Sidd (stammering)= M-maybe your mistaken Rits....I....

Rits (cutts off)= Mistaken ? You forcefully dragged me to my room and threw me on floor when I was shouting to leave me what you were doing huh? Smirking and shutting the door molesting me. I lost my every thing because of you you dammit !!

Cursed Rits crying violently while Sidd was just staring floor unable to believe this lie. His eyes became watery thinking many things like:-

What his father like figure brother would think about him ?

Was he this much characterless ?

What if her sister and everyone would not believe him ?

Above all, he himself couldn't believe about it ?

Sidd (cracky voice, stammering)= Did I-I really did that ?

Rits smirked as she was now very sure he believed it.

That's when there was a knock on the room.

Sidd got frightened and terrified listening the knock on the room. Rits was also scared. There came a voice.

Avu= Di, come down mom and dad are waiting for you on breakfast table.

Rits (looking at Sidd then door)= yeah ! You go, I'm coming.

Avu outside didn't understood why she didn't opened the door but ignored and just stood there.

Inside the room:-

As soon as Rits heard the knock she stood up. Sweat formed on her forehead. Sidd also stood up.

Sidd (stammering, terrified)= I-I should hide.

Rits (stammering, scared)= Y-You go please go from here.

This was heard by Avni outside. Sidd didn't wanted to waste a single minute but he didn't knew what to do.

Avu started banging the door now

Avu (yelled)= di, open this fucking door..

Just then door opened and the scene in front of Avni shocked her to the core.



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Umm....what you think Avu say ?

Words= 665

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