✦Chapter 47✦

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Avu (sobbing badly): Siddharth, please you can't do this to me. Please! No, I have realized that I was wrong. I judged you wrong. I hurted your feelings but Please, don't punish me like this. I won't be able to forgive myself. Please wake up!

It was like a nightmare to her which she wanted to break by waking up. That's the day she realized she lost her love. Siddharth's love was true but Avneet is so late to realize it.

Avu (yelling): Abhi Bhai, Reemi! (patting Sidd's cheek) Sidd, Please open your eyes.

Abhi came there running along with Jai. They both were shocked to see the scene infront of them. Avu glanced at Abhi.

Avu (showing him bottle): Bhai! He isn't waking up. See!

Abhi rushed towards him and examined the bottle dragging it from Avu's hand. His eyes widen in shock while his heart skipped a beat. Hearing Avu's yells Reem and Vaishu also came there. Reem looked around, shocked to see Avu and Jai at this hour. Reem and Vaishu glanced at each other while Jai was only looking at Reem only, horrified.

Reem (confused): What is happening here?

Abhi climbed Sidd's bed and started caressing his hair while crying.

Abhi (crying): Ashu, please! I know I said wrong. I shouldn't have said it but why did you implimented it. I never wanted it. Please, wake up!

Jai went out and called ambulance. Reem was worried now as despite of such a shore, Sidd didn't woke up. She slowly paced near him and near on his bed, dragging his hand from Avu's hand and holding his hand in hers.

Reem (tensed): Bhai, wake up na! See everyone is here. Why aren't you waking up?

Abhi broke down hearing Reem. Reem glanced at him confused. That's when, her eyes caught a bottle in Abhi's hand. She quickly snatched it to read it's tag and the floor slipped under her feet reading the tag. Suddenly, Sidd coughed a bit and a white foam started leaking his mouth. Reem froze at the spot. Vaishu's hands covered hew mouth in shock.

Abhi (patting Sidd's cheek): Sidd please hold yourself. Nothing will happen to you. I'm here!

He placed Sidd's head on his pillow when again Sidd coughed and more white foam leaked his mouth while Avneet was wiping the foam with tissue and sobbing. Abhi dragged his phone from his pocket when they saw Jai coming and informing them.

Jai (panicked): I have called ambulance. They have came.

Reem didn't moved a bit while Sidd was shifted to the ambulance. Not a single tear fell from Reem's eyes. She was in shock. She was imagining what if her brother, her best friend leaves her? What will she do?


Reem was sitting on the hospital chair expressionless. Jai was consoling Avneet, who was still crying out of guilt. Abhi was also expressionless. He couldn't believe that his brother would obey him to such an extent that if he asks him to give his life, he will not back off. Vaishu was sitting there, keeping her hand on Abhi's shoulder praying silently. Reem still couldn't believe all this. Her brother didn't even thought about her for once? She already lost trust over one brother while other is going to leave her. No, no she won't let it happen. She wiped her cheeks which had tears. That's when, a female doctor came out. Everyone stood up.

Abhi (wiping his tears): Doctor, how is my brother?

Doc (tensed): We can't say anything now. We need to wash his stomach because the amount of sleeping pills he consumed were not less in number. If then too, his life would be in risk we will go with medication but for now prepare yourselves for any situation.

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