✦Chapter 59✦

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Sidd (looking at Reem and Vaishu): Why are you shocked like this?

Reem and Vaishu looked at each other, not knowing what to tell him. That's when his ears caught words escaped from the reporter's mouth.

Reporter: As you all have heard, Ritika Badiani, who filed a case against Siddharth Nigam, came out as his trapper, and unfortunately, his raper too. She confessed that she raped Siddharth Nigam and also blamed him for this. She also confessed that the child wasn't Siddharth's but Manjul's, who was her boyfriend.

Sidd fell down on the couch in shock, hearing all this. He went numb all of a sudden, not a single word or tear fell from his eye. He was sitting like a statue. It was something beyond his expectations. He never thought in his wildest dream that he would lose his everything like this. Vaishu sat beside Sidd, capturing his hands on hers. She got worried, seeing him not responding at all.

Vaishu (tensed): Sidd, speak something bacha!

Reem also came and sat in front of Sidd on her knees. She looked at him but again looked down, hiding her tears. Sidd didn't speak a single word or anything from that time, when he got to know he had lost everything.


It was 9 of night, and Abhi entered to be welcomed by pin drop silence. He went inside to find Vaishu and Reem sitting there in the lounge. They were emotionless, sitting silently, lost in their own thoughts. Abhi sensed the tension in the environment. He fake coughed, bringing them out of their thoughts.

Reem (wiping her tears): Abhi Bhai! Have a seat. I'll set the table for dinner.

Saying this, she stood up and left from there in a hurry without letting him speak a single word. He sat beside Vaishu, who was wiping her tears controlling herself while looking down. Abhi exhaled sharply, placing his hand on hers, and that was enough to break her. She hugged him tightly, resting her head on his shoulder, sobbing badly.

Abhi (hugging her, tensed): Vaishu, what happened?

But she didn't reply.

Abhi (more worried): Vaishu, please, you are making me worried. At least tell me what happened all of a sudden, and is Sidd fine?

Vaishu (while sobbing): Abhi, Sidd was already broken, and after this, he will not be healed by his loss.

Abhi (confused, irritated): Which loss are you talking about, Vaishu? Why are you rolling the thing here and there? Tell it directly.

Vaishu (controlling herself): Today, Rits spilt the whole truth in front of media, and s-she also confessed that she r-raped Siddharth after calling him over her home.

Abhi's eyes went wide open in shock. His grip loses on her arm in shock. He went numb, hearing her. She sobbed on his shoulder.

Abhi (in shock): What the hell-

Vaishu (breaking the hug): Abhi, please go and console Sidd. He hasn't come out after that time. I am afraid of him. If he does something to himself. Abhi, please!

Hearing this, Abhi quickly stood up and rushed towards Sidd's room. He knocked on his door as it was closed.

Abhi (panicked): Ashu! Are you in there? Open the door.

But he received no response. He turned the doorknob and found it unlocked.

Abhi (entering the room): Ashu!!!

He entered inside to see no one in the room. He rushed to the washroom door and found it empty, too.

Abhi (panicked, mumbling): Where did he go all of a sudden?

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