✦Chapter 22✦

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Sidd (pleading)= No please, you won't tell anything to her.

Rits (becoming bold)= then you have to accept me or do whatever I want.

Sidd thought for a second and went in deep darkness of thoughts but soon was dragged by Rits voice who was standing near window wiping her tears harshly.

Rits= You have to go now before someone comes again.

Sidd just didn't said anything and jumped from the window leaving for his home.

There Rits laughed hard after his leave. In short was making fun of him howling over him. She just fell on her bed still laughing and soon catching her stomach.

Rits= Oh god Siddharth! I wish I could show your expressions to Avneet so that she could realize how stupid he is. Oh God!

She sat straight with a cold face and then slide her head towards door with her dangerous eyes.

Rits (dangerously)= You will lose every thing in your life Avneet and.... I bet it.

She was continuously smirking devilish with her hairs falling on her eyes making her look more dangerous.

At Sidd's home,

He secretly pepped inside him home, tip toeing so that no one could figure out and ask him about last night but while he was going to his room suddenly he heard a voice behind him.

"Where were you last night..?" asked Abhi who was standing behind which scared Sidd to the core as he shivered and face him. Abhi got suspicious seeing him shivering in fear.

Abhi= What happened Sidd ? are you okay ?

He stepped forward asking Sidd to hug him but he backed off looking down not in state to talk to anyone. Abhi got worried and sad seeing Sidd running away from him.

Abhi= Are you alright Siddharth ?

Sidd (stammer)= Y-Yes. (Fake smiling) What will happen to me ?,I am perfectly fine.

Abhi got quite knowing that he is lying on his face.

Abhi= who is your friend inviting you to party..?

Sidd didn't knew what to answer now. He wanted to lie but something was continuously stopping him. He was thinking something when again Abhi called him dragging him back to senses.

Sidd (stammer)= B-Bhavesh, I was wifh Bhavesh.

Abhi didn't wanted to believe him also didn't wanted to force him so kept quite.

Abhi (fake smiling)= Hmm....Go and get some rest.

Sidd nodded leaving Abhi suspecious and all confused but worried too.

As soon as Sidd reached his home, he locked his door slamming it hard and didn't knew when he ended up sobbing. He cried more and more violently as he slide against the door sitting on his knees.

Sidd (sobbing)= Why ?, Why I did ?, How c-can I do that ?, H-How will I live with this guilt.. ?

He was continuously sobbing holding his head sitting on floor cursing himself.

On other hand,

Abhi went in his room lost in thoughts and sat on bed. Vaishu who was on scrolling through phone looked at him and called him but he didn't answer. She dropped her phone on bed and called him little more louder dragging him out of his thoughts.

Vaishu= What happened ?, Is everything alright ?

Abhi just nodded and turned towards her.

Abhi= Vaishu I am going to request something from you. Please don't say no.

Vaishu= What is it Abhi ?, I will be grateful if I help you.

Abhi= You have to check on Siddharth.

Vaishu (confused)= Check, but why ?

She asked to which Abhi looked at her and then again looked straight deciding to share Siddharth's behaviour.

At Nandra's home,

Avni was in her room laying on her bed hugging her pillow deeply lost in thoughts. Jai's voice and many other voises echoing in her ears espically Jai's every work.

Jai=di, I also know you have feelings for Siddharth bhai.

Jai (calming voice)= di, you are destroying your life because of Rit's di. You know that she never want to see you happy and she can do anything to disheart you from Sidd bhaiya or disheart him to you. Think wisely di and don't punish yourself or him. He truely loves you and I have seen it in his eyes.

Avu's Pov

Do I really have feeling for him. I accept that I have a soft corner for him in my heart but can i really call it love...?

I know Rits di is selfish and Jai is also somewhere right. She would never like to see me happy. Should I talk to Siddharth about it ?, ah !What to do. First let me talk to Di clearly today. Did she really got raped. ?, How should I trust her. ? She is the one who throws herself on boys.

Pov ends

She thought as she held her head and looking at her door. She ran outside and banged in Rits room to find no one in room. She entered inside and that's when her eyes fell on something shocking her to core.

 She entered inside and that's when her eyes fell on something shocking her to core

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