✦Chapter 61✦

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After 5 years,

In these 5 years, many things have happened. Nigams went to London for a short period of time as Abhi's job was transferred, and they also wanted to go abroad for Sidd's treatment as it would help him, and it worked very well. Sidd's change in environment and his family's care helped him in recovery, but it took almost 2 years for him to recover. 4 years ago, Abhinavi was blessed with a baby girl. The baby girl's entry into Nigam's went lucky as after her birth, Ritika also got her punishment, and according to the law, she got rigorous imprisonment for 10 years. In her opinion, she regrets everything she did, but unfortunately, it is of no use now. Sidd and Reem have completed their education. Sidd is doing a P.H.D. while Reem is done with her A.C.C.A. and is doing a job. Nigams are happy in their own way, but Nandra couldn't move on. Avneet has also completed her studies privately, but she has gone all quiet. The girl who was chubby and a chatterbox all the time was now all silent, she joined as an employee in the company to divert her mind but unfortunately, it doesn't work as Sidd's thoughts surround her again. Nandra's are still being targeted in the media due to Ritika, but they couldn't help it out. Instead, they face everything bravely, but Avneet fears facing everything. The way people talk about them makes her weak. Jai has also completed his studies and is trying to contact Reem, but unfortunately, there is no response from her side.

Right now, the doorbell of Nigam's apartment was ringing. Reem paced towards the door in anger. She opened the door to see Sidd standing there, smiling, showing his teeth, in a creepy manner. Reem rolled her eyes.

Reem (irritated): Finally, you have come. Your chamchi is troubling me since morning.

Sidd walked inside, smiling, listening to her, and sat on the couch in the living room while Reem went close to him, scolding him.

Reem (irritated): I don't know what you have done to her that she can't live more than 2 hours without you.

She complained, keeping her hands on her hips as Sidd chuckled.

Sidd: It's love, my sissy!

Reem rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest. That's when they heard a joyful scream. They looked in that direction to see Vaishek running toward Sidd. Sidd smiled brightly and picked her up in his arms as she came near him. Vaishek hugged Sidd tightly, wrapping her chubby arms around his neck and pouting on her lips.

Vaisek (cute baby voice): I miss you so much.

Sidd chuckled and kissed her cheek in a hug only.

Sidd (patting her back): I missed you too.

Reem smiled, looking at the scene in front of her. No matter how much Vaishek troubles her but Reem is always thankful to her. It is just because of her that Sidd has come out of that trauma, but there is also no doubt that Reem loved to irritate Vaishek. In short, she is the one who makes everyone's day complete and is the apple of Nigams.

Sidd dragged 3 dairy milk chocolates out of his pocket as Vaishek broke the hug and sat in his lap.

Sidd (showing her chocolates, excited): Here are Vaishek's chocolates.

Vaishek dragged the chocolates and hugged them, squeezing.

Vaishek (hugging chocolates): Yuppieeee...!!

There came a devilish idea in Reem's mind as she smirked. She made a puppy face in front of Vaishek. Vaishek handed her chocolate to Sidd, asking her to open it for her. Sidd was opening it for them when Reem spoke.

Reem (making puppy faces): Baby...!!

Vaishek looked up at her, unaware of her idea while Sidd was busy opening the chocolate wrapping while Reem paced a little closer to them.

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