✦Chapter 68✦

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Reem: Will you make me wear it, or is it a no?

Jai giggled and slided the diamond ring in her finger. That's when suddenly party pops were boomed all around. Reem looked around to see the pops all around. She laughed out loud after so long while Jai was admiring her only. For Jai, it was like he found his whole world again.


Sidd was there, sitting on the couch reading Avneet's report while she was silently sitting there, staring him only. She chuckled as she noticed him stretching his eye muscles. Sidd looked up at her.

Sidd: Why are you laughing?

Avu's smile faded, and she just shook her head negatively. Sidd again got busy reading her file placed on his lap.

Avu (noticing him): You have got specs, and you have changed a lot too.

Sidd (flipping the page of file): People change as the situation changes. No one can be as they were in the beginning.

Avu pressed her lips as tears filled up in her eyes. She looked down and wiped her tears harshly.

Avu (trying to talk to Sidd, cracky voice): When did you get your eyesight weak?

Sidd (looking at her): Almost 2 years.

Avu nodded while Sidd closed her file and stood up. He paced till the table near her bed and looked at her watch.

Sidd (exhaling sharply): It is your medicine time, and doctors are discharging you after this.

Avu (confused, looking here and there): Where is Jai?

Sidd (pouring water in glass): He went with Reemi. They will be here anytime.

Sidd forwarded her glass of water with a tablet. Avu received it and gulped it in one go while Sidd sat there silently. He removed his specs and rubbed his eyes. That is when the doctor came in. She paced near Avu and checked her blood pressure.

Doc: How are you feeling now, Ms. Kaur?

Avu nodded her head.

Avu: I'm better than before.

Doc: Good, I am discharging you, but you need to take a lot of care.

Doc (looking at Sidd): Are you her husband or brother?

Sidd (wide eyes): No!

Doc: Kindly inform her guardian to take care of her meals.

Sidd (nodding his head): Sure!

Avu supressed her laughter, seeing Sidd's expressions. The doctor left the place. Sidd stood up to leave, but Avu held his wrist all of a sudden. Sidd looked at her hand, holding his wrist.

Avu (curious): Where are you going?

Sidd (looking at their hands): I am going to see Jai and Reemi. Kindly leave my hand.

Avu (sitting straight, dragging his wrist): Sidd, why are you behaving like this? As if you don't mean anything to me? Why are you avoiding me?

Sidd (exhaling sharply): Look, Avneet, I need some time to accept all this. I can't push myself every time. Please, try to understand.

Avu looked down and nodded, processing everything. She left his wrist.

Sidd (placing his hands inside his pocket): I am going to see Jai and Reem.

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