✦Chapter 8✦

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Avneet reached home and dropped herself on sofa.

Avu (shouted)=
Mom..I'm back

Her mom appeared from kitchen.

Mom= Welcome beta. Where is Rits..? She also went with you.

She asked sitting on sofa beside Avni side hugging her.

Avu= She didn't came home..?

Asked Avneet sitting straight shocked.

Mom= why..? What happened..?

Avu= Mom, she left earlier than me, how is it possible she didn't came till now..?

Mom= What..??

Avu nodded.

Avu= Acha mom leave all this, I am hungry. Please make noodles for me.

She said insisting making cute puppy faces. Mom smiled kissing her cheek and left for her room.

Meanwhile with Sidd.

As soon as they reached home, they were welcomed by their sister in law waiting for them at lunch. They both quickly freshen up and came back eating lunch together. After lunch, Sidd left for his room to study. While Reem was gossiping with Vaishu.

Reem= bhabhi I am warning you If you made Abhi bhai angry, he can do anything.

Vaishu raised her eyebrows.

Vaishu= Oh really...!

Reem= I'm not joking, he looks monster when he is angry. You know Sidd bhaiya always saves me from his anger.

Vaishu was chuckling like Reem was speaking when suddenly she remembers something. She excuses herself and rushed to Sidd's room to find him lost in books.

Reem= bhaiya..!

Sidd hmmed still looking at book.

Reem= Bhaiya, can you drop me to my friend's home...?

Sidd (raising his eyebrows)= why..?

Reem rolled her eyes at him as he was being possessive.

Reem= Don't be over possessive bhaiya. Its group study. Jannat is also coming and (teasing) she is the same girl whom you welcomed today.

Sidd= ohh..Avneet. But I am busy now. Ask bhabhi to drop you. Do you know her address..?

Reem shook her head in no. Sidd slapped her head.

Sidd= Pagal ladki how will you go to her home if you don't know her address.

Reem (satisfied)= I will ask Jannat. Ok Byee.

She left as she waved goodbye. Sidd chuckled.

At Nandra's place,

Avu along with her mother and brother was sitting watching TV when door bell rang. Her mother went to openthe door and it was none other than Rits. She came inside stepping upstairs when her mother stopped her.

Mom= Where were you..?

Rits rolled her eyes and turned towards her coming down.

Rits= I was with my friends.

Mom= Rits change yourself before you do something shameful for us..

Rits= You can also inform this to your younger daughter who is being welcomed by the boys in her college.

As soon as Avneet heard this she came towards Rits.

Avu= Which boy are you talking about di..?

She asked curiously with anger dipping from her voice.

Rits smirked flipping her hair.

Rits= Oh really as if you don't know. Don't act too innocent Avni as if you don't know who Siddharth is..? Whom you met before too I guess

She glared at her and ran upstairs. Avneet's mom looked at her in disappointment.

Avu= Mom..its nothing like that.

Before she could complete her mother left from their.

Avneet got angry as that blame was false. She ran upstairs stormed inside Rits's room.

As soon as Rits saw her coming inside her room without her permission, she got angry. She stormed her foot in anger facing wall.

Rits=Don't you know how to enter someone's room.

Avu folded her arms across her chest.

Avu= And don't you know how to respect others character. If you had any doubt regarding Siddharth you would have asked me directly.

Rits= As if I am blind Huh..? Haven't you seen the happiness with which his eyes were filled.

Avu= I met him at his brother's wedding and we didn't had personal conversation with each other. The second time I met infront of you.

Rits frowned turning

Rits= Oh comeon as if I can't see anything.

She shook her head dramatically. Avneet got disappointed. It was the first time she was having this much long conversation with her sister and it was so disappointing for her to learnt about Rits mind setup. She never thought that her so called sister can also have this type of mentality. She just left the room

Rits pov

What do you think Avneet..? You will do whatever you want and no one will come to know.

You pointed at me and that same finger I pointed at you catching you red handed and about me, who I am meeting and whom not it shouldn't be anyone's business espically your's Avneet Kaur Nandra. If anyone, mind it anyone would come inbetween my intentions they had to pay for it.

Pov ends.

Rits smirked and went from there.

Rits smirked and went from there

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How was Ritsneet's fight 1V1...?

Twists starts from here.

Asli maza toh ab aayga..😉

Lots of Love..❤

Words= 810

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