✦Chapter 39✦

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Sidd, who didn't sleep the whole night woke up to get fresh. His mind was blank. After getting fresh, he came out of the room to descend the stairs, he saw Vaishu and Abhi having breakfast while Reem serving them. That is when Reem's eyes caught him. 

Reem (looking at Sidd)= Bhaiya, come and have breakfast. 

That was it. Abhi's eyes caught him while Vaishu also looked back at him. 

Abhi (getting up from a chair)= Vaishu, I'm done. 

He started walking towards the gate when suddenly Sidd ran to him holding his hand.

Sidd: Dada, please listen to me once. I promise I didn't call her there. She came there herself.

Abhi looked at him in anger.

Abhi: I don't need your explanation.

Sidd (pleading holding his head): Dada please don't do this to me please.

Abhi (jerking his hand): Don't do this to you? What I have done Siddharth? I haven't done anything. It's you who is doing everything. I didn't believed Avneet and that's why went to talk to uncle just to sort the matter out but what you did. You proved me wrong infront of everyone Siddharth. Everyone! I wasn't able to face her father and you are telling me you haven't done anything.

Sidd just looked down sobbing badly while Abhi shook his head in disrelief. Abhi went from there without saying anything while Sidd was badly crying. That's when, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to find Vaishu standing over there. He hugged her tightly through waist, digging his head in her shoulder crying badly. Vaishu also had tears in her eyes as she caressed his hair. That's when she realized, his bosy temperature was hot than usual.

Sidd (sobbing badly): Bhabhi I haven't done anything. Trust me!

Vaishu (cracky voice): I believe you Sidd. I trust you. I know my babybro cannot do anything like that.

She caressed his hand till the time he calm down. She make him sit on the couch and handed him class of water.

Vaishu (wiping his tears): Have it.

She made him drink water with her own hands to which he calmed down. She held his hands in hers. Reem was also sitting beside Sidd resting her hand on his shoulder.

Vaishu: I am with you.

Sidd looked at Vaishu with tears in his eyes. That's when, they heard a bang on their gate.

Reem: I'll look at it.

Reem went to open the door but was shocked to see police there.

Reem (scared): Y-Yes?

Police man: Does a guy name Siddharth Sharma live here?

Reem went quite not knowing what to say. In other words she was scared. Police came in without any permission and rushed out. Sidd and Vaishu went panicked seeing police. The police came and asked them something.

Police: Where is Siddharth Sharma?

Sidd and Vaishu looked at each other.

Sidd (afraid): I- I am.

Police (telling his man): Arrest him.

Sidd stood up in shock. The police man went near Sidd and handcuffed him.

Sidd (panicked): But what have I done?

Police: You have forced and raped a girl. That's enough. Arrest him.

There became a rush. Police men dragging Sidd while he was yelling for help, crying, begging but there was no one to listen.  Vaishu was yelling on police men to leave him but they already took him, shutting the gate hard. Vaishu broke down crying badly while Reem hugging her already hugging. No doubt this family was suffering a lot.


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